The Narrative of the - 99 Percent

The 99 Percent - and the 'Narrative or WHY World'

It is a fact that our world in literature, in politics, in economy, in ecology, in culture, in philosophy is a pure "Narrative World".

The World of OCCUPY and of the 99 Percent also is a pure "narrative World."

About 99 percent of all what comes in Media, on TV or Radio, is narrative, full of pragmatism and without inner sense or higher goals.

"Narrative World" means a pure description of what happened in the past, happens at present and what will happen in the future.

More is that wide over 99 percent of folks in all nations don't understand the sense of a "WHY-World". And this is the reason for the present complete breakdown of all systems in Finance, Unemployment, Crash of economy, stupidity in culture and the zero value of all philosophies ever written since at least 500 years.

I go and explain the case:

100 percent of WOMEN

I made the experience that female brains are built in a way that the females NEVER can grasp any sorts of "WHY-Questions".

You start to explain for example to a women WHY all happens in the world, what the reasons are, the solutions, the coming days and what is fundamental about the systems and the misery of humanity.

Immediately, any woman in any country would not listen, but on the spot answer:

"Yes this is true, recently I met a very important person and he or she told me the following experience which was very interesting….."

- and then comes a narrative shit about pragmatic nonsense of zero interest.

99 percent of MEN

It is rather astonishing that MEN too are only interested in what happens. I think that the Old Greek were different - and perhaps some philosophers too. Or the theorists in economy pretended that the Nations must spend billions, when the private sector can no longer do it because of the implementation of crazy matters - but always without explaining WHY this idiocy would stop the craze of nations, going into bankruptcy - all nations until the year 2018.

Whatever people explain WHAT HAPPENS is for the dogs, it simply is not interesting to know FACTS without the real backgrounds - and it will never change whatsoever and leave the misery as it is.

All correspondents of CNN, BBC, ARD or FRANCE 1, Al Jazeera or Swiss TV Idee Shit will always report what happened and how pragmatic the bankers, or Merkel, Monti, Narkozy, Obama and other Putin shit would handle the present situation. They tell thousands of things about what is going on, the present FACTS about Africa, China, USA or name it - and nothing can really change in the world, because the world is built and nothing can be saved or stopped by explaining that our World IS - that our world functions the way it does. --- There is nothing more boring than to learn about things that are HOW they are - naturally.

The world of the intellectuals and the geniuses

The incapability of the Elite, of VIPs, of women and 99 percent of men to understand:

- WHY something happens, why we have a total breakdown of Finances, why this will cause the complete Crash in Economy, why a world exists in complete dullness in culture, when democrazies (to say "Dictatorships of dull Majorities") try to understand and govern the given and not understood CHAOS of the present world.

 - this WHY dictates all systems on Earth - and the absence of WHY will let tumble to HELL all what's going on in our daily life - when a continuation of crazy developments with 7 billion of hollow heads can not ameliorate anything at all - in no land and in no situation thinkable.

I wondered for a life time, why all manuscripts of my books were rejected, although they treated whatever I wrote from the standpoint of:

"WHY is something going to happen? WHAT is the reason for such and such FACTS to exist as it is? WHERE shall end the Craze of humans on this Globe?"

Today I understand the rejection: When 100 percent of Women and 99 percent of Men are only interested in a NARRATIVE WORLD, or in books just explaining what is and what would be desirable to be, there is a MUST for the Globe to tumble in pieces

- as soon as we have too many folks on Earth, when the Geosphere is spoiled, the climate and weather machine gone out of order, no Plan B for missing energy, bankers and Jews crazy and only interested in Profits made out of Cash and nothing else and all nations running for very easy reasons into bankruptcy and youth no longer required to get jobs and all prices either going down to hell in deflation or exploding in inflation

- USA short before total Crash, China and India imploding any moment, Europe being bankrupt since some time, Africa lost for all times, Asia's overpopulation dead when the droughts and water-floods come in accelerated manner and always much higher in energetic destruction….


Well, well, well, where have been in existence all the Time, the Philosophers and the Geniuses to talk about some fine "WHY-Questions"?

Why all this is going to happen in spite of narrative and pragmatic talking - and WHY must have happened the complete Breakdown of Systems, not by 99 percent but for an accuracy of 100 percent?

Why were folks not able to read the reasons for what is going on in a world without Emergency EXIT - although all Walls and Wall Street were under Fire? You start to think? Just forget it - it is impossible.

And if just ONE person who is reading these lines, understood the text, I pay him one million of Dollars in his naked hand - Friends.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 11, 2012