Insurmountable - HUNGER

The insurmountable problem of HUNGER

The Problem has become insurmountable.

I agree that the world has other problems than hunger - like the bankruptcy in Finances all over the Globe, the End of Industry, the Craze of China and India and the Limits of Growth, followed by our highest Problem:

- Ecologic Collapses in Climate and Weather Machine.

But let's restrict the Problem to - HUNGER

The reasons for Hunger in the World are:

1. Explosion of world POPS

Experts say that 9 to 12 billion of folks could be easily nourished by the normal market. Considering that we get droughts and waterfloods in masses, already this prediction is wrong and nuts.

Further there is no problem about Transport or Distribution, because if those problems would be resolved, much greater catastrophes would emerge.

The Problem is, that at length not even 5 billion of folks can be given water and nourishment in the long run, because the planet Earth get exhausted rapidly in only 100 years of capitalism and technological CRAZE.

2. Black Swans

The major problem are the Black Swans.

Some of them-

- Assume we have 10 billion of folks. For 2 billion of poorest folks, with any guaranty, there will always remain the problem of hunger, for:

- false political schemes and decisions

- crops not coming like foreseen, evident droughts and waterfloods having come

- the idiocy of Elite and masses, even in the easy-going Finance market, is so great that the IQ of humans should explode by the factor of 5 in order to overcome the problems with lands and slums not being held under control.

But there are other 10 Black Swans that for the moment I forgot, but just as important as the above ones and there are the points still to be mentioned.

3. Speculations and Finance markets

The Idiocy of Friedman, Popper, GW Bush, Ronald, Obama and the Junk-Jews of Wall Street and other Junk in Chicago, including the trillions of Dollars and Euros on the market, allowed derivative Junk of the highest with nourishment Funds, hedge Funds and any other sorts of stealing all to the POOR of the World, even in the USA and France.

As long as we have neo-conservative Liberalism of the Americans, just as long we should not even have to think about any controls on Energy, Water, Nourishment and Poverty. Only the Killing of these Criminals and Jews in our rotten finance systems would bring RELIEF.

4. Subventions of States

I can understand that the USA and European Countries want to maintain their power of their agriculture, at least for the home-market. But as soon as there is competition with peasants in Africa, China, India and name it, the problem of AUTARCY AND AUTONOMY was in all times the sole solution to great part of world problems. This was written in my books, sent in the next basket.

5. The Stupidity in China, Africa, Europe, USA

The Stupidity of Elite, VIPs, Masses and Politics in all Lands is so tremendous that not one Child on this globe will ever understand:

- China: Too many folks. Therefore other lands must look for the nourishment of China. This will be ended, when those lands go down in revolts.

- India: India is overpopulated to the max. There is a wonder why this land still exists on the map - it will be dead by 2050.

- Africa: Africa has the heritage of the Crimes of USA and Europe in destroying Climate and Weather Machine. African lands may try to find solutions, even for the Fishes sent to China and Vegetables to Europe. This will not resolve the final death of African pops.

- Europe: Europe may try to find enough nourishment on European Soil. But Water problems, droughts and finance CRASH in all lands, will only be successful if Capitalism is sent out of the window.

- USA: This rotten land is the major criminal in all what happens since 1950. They were the forerunners for all crimes that explode now in other lands. Even China could have had a chance with socialised agriculture instead of destroying all future with rotten neoliberalism of self-destruction.

Considering all these points, the problem was from the Start:

- Assume that technically 15 billion of folks could be nourished in a paradise of Earth before its self-destruction. So when 8 billion would be reached, already great part of humans would starve, because the systems of humans are paranoid and shizophrenic to the max.

But the major problem with the 15 billion is, that nothing being done before the PEAK, to keep the stupid POPS down in numbers, let capitalism go, not fall in bankruptcy of Finances in all States of the Globe and just trying to think in all NORMALITY.

It is funny that the experts and philosophers never recognized this fundament problem.

We are lost for all times - not only with Hunger and Ecologic Collapse, but also in any other field humans may think of.

They, the normal Paranoids, just "function" the way they want: When the Problems pop up, they do as IF they could DO something, but whatever they do is not resolving just 10 percent of the future Problem.

What to do?  Well, let the Globe die as gently as ever possible and still pretending we could nourish with the LEFT HAND some 15 billion of Slum-Folks in mega-towns.

You can do it -  dream like Hell - but don't be astonished when it will never work when waking up again..

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 30, 2012