Our world is a MESS. It could only have survived as humanity without any NATIONS.
All is a huge EGOISM, nationalism, idiocy, having wars in arms, economy, finances, growth - this means that a World go for the cats and dogs with such a human material of APES.
The simple-minded idiots governing politics, economy, culture, science and ecology believe in the fairy-tale that the creation of nations was the best that could happen to the "Best of all Worlds".
But the reality is that the whole of humans and our planet is in Free Fall in Finances, Economy, Culture, Politics, Philosophy and above all - ECOLOGY - and one of the major reasons, apart Capitalism, Technology and Craze of Science and Philosophy - was the creation of Nations.
Now according to my book "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung" - it was a must around 1975 to replace this world of Cash and Nations by a "Zielgesellschaft", (society by aims) but this was not done and now goes it, goes history, like follows:
Until 2020
The whole of Finances worldwide will be dead. All nations in Bankruptcy, including banks, insurance, pension funds and the rest in bankruptcy.
Until 2025
All economic and life of technology will be dead due to Crash of Finances, but also the going out of resources and energy stuffs cannot really be survived.
Until 2035
The craze of explosion of pops will have made tumble all mega-cities. No water under the grounds, all rivers and lakes rotten, the oceans full of poison etc. - humanity killed by mass-laws and self-destruction, due to rotten minds and 99 percent without brains.
Until 2045
The ecologic time bomb with collapses in climate and weather machinery will have brought droughts, waterfloods, super-storms and monster-waves in oceans. Nourishment is almost impossible, oil nearly gone out, all industries dead, 90 percent of humanity in total poverty. The massacre started already 2012 and exploded on the rich and mighty. By 2045 - 90 percent of Folks on Earth are dead or in total misery.
Now, I am not interested to know, if this is exactly right, but any deviation of this scheme would be a wonder higher than non-existent Jesus or Mohammed were.
Now, since we are in the year 2012, let's analyse the value of Nations:
By copying USA and by Slavery of the own folks, China is responsible of Cheap Production, destroying industry in USA and Europe, allowing the deficits in USA, the downfall first of other lands, then we must see full dependence on imports, the craze of growth by deadly technology and the final collapse and complete implosion of China before 2018. Same goes for India and many other over-pops shit nations.
Given all wealth of Soviet Union to some oligarchs, using up for nothing all gas and oil and then starving. The mass pops of Russia is nearly dead. The collapse of the climate also touches Russia . Finally, Russia shall wake up for giving free socialism, dans une merde sans precedent - idiots. Russia is broke and no one knows.
The EURO was no good idea. The indebtedness of some 200 trillions in Europe , plus the hidden shit in structured derivatives in amount of another 200 trillions of Finance Scrap, shall slowly drive EU - in fact all nations of the Globe - into complete bankruptcy - as written in all my books since 1975.
Ecologic situation on Earth
In only 100 years this rotten humans have made a Holocaust of Animals, wars and torture all over, spoiled water and air, exhausted all energy stuffs and resources and left a desert to folks to come - this Earth has a half-time idiocy of a month.
As I wrote in my books "Time will stand still from 2000 onwards - and the line of catastrophes and collapses will go vertically to heaven - in the scheme of the future prospects of humanity in a world of nations and idiots without brains."
Let's face it:
- Obama has shit in his brains, so has Putin, Hu and Wen, Singh, Lula, Narkozy, Merkel, Cameron, Berlusconi, the 7 Dwarfs of Berne, in short all politicians of the globe.
- The philosophers made on "Behaviourism" and let kill the planet without recourse. There was no insight in the fact that our planet can never live with idiocies of human pragmatism.
- The Economic Bankers and CEO looked for greed and deadly Growth in own interest. Cash cannot govern nature. All the interest of a given God was the survival of nature, not of humans,
- The cultural guys created big shit in culture since 1800. The great works were done before this time. All what followed was a bluff for minor heads in quality. Give my ONE example of higher intellect, and I pay you one million.
For the rest, there is no hope to recreate a situation of the World as it was around 1965. Not with quadrillions of Dollars, the complete breakdown of Systems could be stopped. And we have not Dollars but the complete breakdown of finances.
This is not alone the idiocy of the existence of NATIONS - but it has plentiful to do with this fact - as sign, that humans never had a brain, but merely a lot of shit in their heads.
And a Species cannot survive on such a rotten basis of intellect and false behaviourism.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on April 3, 2012