Sadness of Existence

Animals and Sadness

What is the highest principle in our World?

Is it intellect, life, universe, God, luck - or - sadness?

Sadness explains everything by the end.

It's time I try to come out of my intellectual hole and go up to heaven in philosophy, and be it only for an hour or so:

Animals and Juliette Greco

There is a famous song of Juliette Greco "Un petit poisson - un petit oiseau" - and it goes about what 99 percent of folks understand on animals: the little fish wonders about the fact that there is a little bird in the air and the fish cannot reach the bird. A simple fact and not one little Why-Question - and exactly for this reason, normal folks talk of a song "full of philosophy and lyrics", when they get nothing of what the song does not say.

It's a little bit sad that folks simply see some life of animals and can never feel like animals, they cannot even make guesses about the life of animals. Humans simply don't know and want to know - what it means to be an animal - or to be a human.

The bird and the fish

Forget Juliette Greco. As usual, she is discussing on the level of 99 percent of dull folks: About the common difference of animals, of fish and bird. But that's of zero interest.

Rather of interest is to imagine a life of a fish or a bird or any other animal:

What does it mean when you are born as a little fish, have your whole life to live and die some day? How much of intellect, feelings, pain, drama and guessing of facts - for - an ape, a dog, a cat, an elephant, a snake, a fish or a bird?

Not a simple question - because the answer may kill the intellect - not of the average of dull folks who never think of anything - but for higher intellectuals who really want to know what life on Earth may well be..

What is an animal life?

Considering the fact how humans treat animals since millions of years and considering that 7 billion of rather dull humans are eating flesh, fish and birds, well this question is not only a question mark - it is more than even the question about death, torture, ethics, stupidity and having no brains for the existence of Animals.

Remember the story of the "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"? For my girl-friend, it's the most important story in her life. For me, I hate the idea of performance of Jonathan, this is typical for human imagination, it's Hollywood, it's USA - well, the bird is "interesting" because of being "outstanding".

But the drama is the fact, that in eternity of time, the coming life for an individual animal, each life, is different from the other, and there are all stages from child to adult, finding the other sex, making life again and dying silently, if not eaten by humans in atrocious ways.

I am absolutely sure that I could write a NOVEL about any animal, being just as tragic and funny as for any human life. But still, we have not yet reached the depth of the problem of REALITY behind human or animal life at all.

Why is life, why is existence?

No, not the question of why there is life possible. This is of no interest and explained 1000 times. What I mean is - WHAT IS LIFE?

As contrary to death, or contrary to the emptiness in space, or to non-existence of God deciding on life - and thinking to end the fact that life is only a lapse of time, the rest is darkness - and when we think of it long-time enough - and remember our dead children or parents or dogs or cats - the only thing left is SADNESS.

Most folks are only interested in the question how Life of any sort - exists. But the existence, the reality as such, never has made the subject of philosophical thinking. But in fact, here only - philosophy starts, the rest is routine of zero interest.

Why is there such a thing as LIFE in the Universe? What has it to do with us and the fate of history? Is it of importance if we disappear from the globe until 2099 as Species or not - and what about the rest of species? Should we think of Life or just be living on, as the dull folks do to 99 percent? Under these conditions, the disappearance does not really matter - not even for God or Evolution.

The drama of human and animal farm life

Did you ever think of the fact how you would break out in tears and never recover again from the thought, if you would understand in full the real drama of human and animal farm life….?

Mega-cities and a farm full of chicken, cows, cats, dogs - and a Zoo or simply the origin woods going down the drain or oceans emptied from any sort of fish due to the stupidity of human life? Reality or a drama or a misunderstanding never analyzed in history?

We stand here in front of a mass problem - in view of a dilemma with the importance and sense of life for each individual animal or human. You got the question? No? Well this is normal, because thinking hurts terribly and gets more and more to be a privilege.

What we are in view of eternity of time and endlessness in space

Now we come to the most important question of them all: What means it to be living NOW - in the course of billions of years, just as a flash, in the depth of an endless universe, where not one scientist knows, where the Earth is to be situated in space.

This is the famous HORROR VACUI - a phenomenon - not one person on Earth ever understood - it's just as high as to understand, what life or death is, or God, or the Universe, or reality, or existence. When you have come so far, stop it if you are intelligent. If you are dull like the other 99 percent, you did not even get to this point, to say about what the question was so far.

Sadness - what else?

When I came to that point in my process of thinking, all of a sudden, I realized in view of billions of individual lives of the past, of the present and of the future, for fish, bird, animal or human - how tragic the whole matter is in reality.

And now - if you are able to think - you will finally realize why there is just ONE THOUGHT left if thinking of LIFE -----


- and don't think that you are still living when reading these lines… - you are a FLASH...

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 23, 2012