Universities for Cats and Dogs
This is a report from an INSIDER about the quality of intellect of Politicians, Bankers, Jews, Board Members, Lawyers, Accountants and so on - in short - our ELITE.
And the question goes to Media, Workers, Unions and all sorts of Common People.
When I was young - like everybody - I assumed that adults would be intelligent, and the Elite super-intelligent, bankers and CEOs mega-super-intelligent and professors highly mega intellectual.
Now listen to my report:
I went to school. First I thought that all my colleagues would be high above me. And when a person was my superior, or a client, or a CEO or a Member of a Board of Directors, I could have made a bet about my life, that ALL were very competent and fine thinkers - and no stinkers.
Then happened something, being very funny:
By accident I became the best Chartered Accountant of my Land - I could not believe the Rankings at my University. And from that moment, my views on VIPs changed: They had to prove HOW and to what extent they could be intelligent.
Well I made the audits of the greatest conglomerates and banks and insurance, studies about acquisitions and mergers, going public, construct of taxation for the richest JUNK and JEWS of our Globe.
And now comes my question:
Dear Worker, dear common folks, dear women, please make a guess: How intelligent are the Elite idiots of all Lands on our Globe?
I tell you - the best are idiots who know nothing apart from their feelings of power. Women know less than men in general in high positions. Politicians and Board Members have shit in their brains - but they don't know it. You can explain in all details, why there company would fall in pieces within one year - and they would never get the point. Remember Swissair, Enron, UBS, Lehman Brothers and the U.S. Congress including President Obama.
Now, let's make a comparison.
Each 10th Worker and each 5th employee has more intellect than any politician, CEO, WEF Schwab Davos Guy or Joe Ackerman on Wall Street. I swear the truth of this fact.
But the low-minded folks simply don't know. They are governed by junk, shit-in-brains, some are Occupy folks of zero programs and the rest simply zero numbers.
What makes the difference?
The Difference - always - is the position of power, plus some practical knowledge from Universities, plus the habits and education in father family showing them some tricks in behaviourism, bluffing out any other person.
Why are Media folks so dull not to get this real state of affairs?
The reason is very simple: Most of editors have a brain of a Dog and a heart of a Cat. They simply are some Murdoch or Berlusconi - without any Power.
You want proofs?
Just look into your newspaper, TV or listen Radio:
What do you learn about the origins of the complete Breakdown of Jews, what they have done on Wall Street, what politicians have done with gigantic debts towers and how they want prevent the complete downfall of finances and economy before 2018? What you learn about resources gone out, climate never to be mended not with quadrillions of Dollars?
Got it? The ELITE knows absolutely NOTHING.
They could read my reports in my Blog or Gazettes, formerly in WorldNews and some other places or in my 10 Books and 1000 Editors Letters in German, English and French.
They would not do it - and you know WHY? Because with Shit-in-Brains, you cannot read, you cannot understand and you cannot react, when the whole planetary Building falls in pieces, like a WTC in itself - but they are bound to assert common Folks, how everything is under control, all is alright and under fine supervision.
This is STUPIDITY OF THE HIGHEST - and some reason why the Occupy Movement and ACTA and all the rest have no idea about our Chaos, our World-Theatre, because they are our future Elite.
Still questions - Friends. Ask quick - because by 2018, the world will be tumbled to HELL.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on March 26, 2012