Greatest ERRORS of Humanity

It is very funny to see how folks of our Globe try to THINK.

The Elite, the VIPs, the organisations, the governments, the masses - all believe that they are able to think, when in fact they are blind for the most fundamental TRUTHS.

Let's start with only some of the World-ERRORS - killing humanity by the end.

All Nations are bankrupt

There is a relativity, not one person at the WEF in Davos could ever guess:

Is it so that USA, Greece, Ireland and Portugal are bankrupt, but not at all Germany, Switzerland, China or India?

This is a complete CRAZE. ALL lands of the globe are full of debts never to be paid back, considering the RECESSIONS to come. U.S. Treasury Bonds and other useless Titles in computers - of Value? Are you crazy? When all nations have debts in nominal currencies, increased like hell by always mounting interest rates, wars, rotten infrastructure etc. - there are no real ASSETS, not even being nominative.

Therefore, China for example will see its exports go to hell, plus the fact they have no water and nourishment and resources counts, their assets are zero and their debts, especially in the Real Estate market, are gigantic - China is financially dead.

Germany and Switzerland are dreaming: Just to be "Better" than the worst Skunks in Finances of the Word, like the Jews on Wall Street, is no program, does not count. Switzerland will be smashed for the crimes in world-wide Tax Fraud and Germany breaks down when paying the debts of whole Europe. The World is financially dead and not one person can see this point.

Rotten Intelligence or Intellect in the world

Intelligence in the World is a nightmare and not a fairy-tale of the highest. 99 Percent of things written in books, in the internet and in press are of zero value, as concerns our survival capacities in a world that goes down to hell, not only in ECOLOGY and FINANCES, but in all respects a human mind could think.

The whole societies have learnt what is a CASH-WORLD, what is to get rich when a whole Planet tumbles to hell, rotten brains to believe in a future, that was destroyed by all philosophers, the rich Skunks, the mighty Ronald-Bush-Obama Cretins of this globe in all lands you may mention.

Voltaire and Goethe and Dante had never intellect and this goes in fact for all "Thinkers" this world ever got. These shit-in-brains just thought they were thinking. What they did was pure "Behaviourism". Who did not see the mass-laws and the overall stupidity of masses - knew absolutely NOTHING at any time in the Past

The Mass-Laws and their effects

As I proved in my book "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction", all of the Theorists in Economics like Smith, Marx, Machiavelli, Descartes, von Hayek, Keynes, Friedman etc. wrote pure SCRAP about the possibilities offered by commerce, cash, banks, turnover, profits, debts - under the laws of "Highest Accounting".

I will not repeat all of the errors of these idiots, but one of the major points was the impossibility to do, what they recommended, under mass-laws of a crazy-gone finance world and the needs of a mass within the Explosion of Pops to 10 billion - considering the very little reserves our planet would have.

When USA developed to a monster and later on China and India tried to copy the craze, 99 percent of folks should have shouted: "They are killing us!" - The contrary is true: Never before we destroyed our Globe more than just today - in a situation where all economies of the world are tumbling into an endless recession, each land tearing the other down to zero value of principles and cash.

Feasibilities and breakdowns

There are feasibilities and breakdowns. For the whole Story in the human History since 10000 years, we had things to be made and things that went wrong. About all - we had terrible wars, torturing to death, believing in cash, make explode the number of gadgets like cars, planes, leaning cruiser ships and atom works and bombs.

Politics in all times was complete craze of the most idiotic heads of each empire, not only Hitler and GW Bush, and we had the complete blindness of the masses that would run over any CLIFF you may offer to your Lemmings.

Now, the matter is severe because in all SCIENCE there must be a point of no return, down to hell, a system where anything you may think of, ends with endless BREAKDOWNS. This is the case just now:

- our gigantic TGV runs always accelerating in a Wall at the end of the valley, there are no brakes, there are no brains, there is no cash and there is no future, but the folks will realize the facts, only when DEAD.

Time and space

The most interesting point of all is the fact that humans shall never know, with their rotten Religions and rotten Gods and Allahs and Buddhas and other Shit, they would never learn the meaning of  

- Eternity in Times and Endlessness in Space.

What has this to do with the above comments? Well, it has do to that cretins of Elite and Masses believe to have all Time until eternity and all Space to endlessness, to realize a paradise they just have destroyed. What a funny idea, how the given facts of the PAST should always be valid, the PRESENT would be a real paradise, when the FUTURE has gone to pieces and down to hell - long time ago.

Fact is that - as written in my book "CHAOS" - Time at present stands still - and the line of collapses, not only climate and weather and rotten infrastructure - mounts up to heaven like a wall, in which our fine TGV of idiots crashes just now - when having very, very limited Space on Earth.

However, the secret of TIME is that even a crash, in view of millions of years of development of humans to be what they are today, 100 years to the final hour for humanity, being according to my scripts the year 2099, look like an eternity. It is in fact only a GLIMPSE - some 4 generations. And like China or India being imploded already now, or USA being bankrupt since 20 years, the folks without intellect cannot read the signs on the wall - nobody can read my books and my lips.

This is so goddamned great, because a world consisting only of a HOLOCAUST of humans, of animals, of nature, or resources - without Time and Space - is already dead today as dead can be.

RELIGION and SCIENCE have killed more humans in the past, at present and over all in the total CRASH of Humanity in the Future than anything else - and not one person can see the truth.

Did you get the arguments?

If yes - this article here would stand in Front of all Newspapers tomorrow.

If no - the masses shall massacre all media, rich skunks and powerful idiots between now and the year 2050 - I bet your future on this point.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 30, 2012