Humanity no longer to be saved


The Universe a curious place

Our Universe is a very curious place. Not one person understands God, eternity in time, endlessness in space, the Big Bang and the possibility of Life in this odd place.

The more all humans of science do "as if they would know something" - the more it became evident that humans never understood what "reality" could be.

For me personally, I never understood why I had to be existent in this very terrible place, called universe. Even less was understood that this happened on the Planet Earth in the time of WW II to the moment of evidence, that this humanity is condemned to leave this planet within a period of 100 years, or even less, based on self-made collapses in finance, industry, economy, philosophy, politics, culture and worst - the ecologic clubs applied by Apes on our Basis of living. It is very curious that God or evolution "wanted" this development, some of the Worst Case any thinking brain could invent out of 1000 plans to think of.

The Planet a curious place

Considering that we have billions of galaxies with billions of suns and their planets, it is very funny to know who counts of mathematics in probability can state that there are little chances that another "developed" humanity could ever have and will be existing in eternity of times somewhere in the Universe - like the one of the human race.

Therefore it is some good idea, that some God may have decided about the fact, that WE are here - although this idiot did nothing to create a reasonable world, except to arrange that humans kill each other, plus arranging some "Holocaust of Animals", plus destroying their planet within only 200 years from the start of capitalism and an industrialized reality with technology, with cars, planes, atom works and armies to destroy their planet several times, since one time would not be sure enough.

For any thinking species, these facts would have been sufficient to give the utmost care to this life basis. The contrary became true - and therefore I could state without danger that all humans have shit in their brains and are dull to the max. Naturally it were the philosophers, and the elite and those with power and cash, who are the major responsible idiots for the complete downfall of humans and the breakdown in collapses to come, but the mass of the rest of crazy 7 billions should have at least tried to "think".

The planet does no wonder, considering that animals are not much better in killing each other, perhaps it was best, that humans did not only kill themselves until 2099, but also nature and animals as well. Whatever happens, I shall never understand why such a world should be in existence, a pure system of killers - and I talk here of the Universe, not only of the planet Earth alone.

The overall Situation of Humans

The overall Situation of humans is the following today:

- 10 years to come after 2010, even less, and all nations of the globe are bankrupt.

- The effect will be the downfall in industry and economics, due not only to Cash Craze and debts of some 500 trillions in Dollars, worldwide, but much more to the lost resources, energy stuffs and craziness in intellect of the 7 billion of apes.

- Worst naturally is the fact that the economic collapse was only the key for a terrible weather collapse, naming super-storms, endless droughts and floods never seen before, accelerating in energy each year more, what shall make life impossible on this globe, at least for 90 percent of humans.

- The Rest of 10 percent shall die from diseases and wars, result of the overall stupidity of science, economy, politics and religion and philosophies of the past. And if the percentages are different - never mind - I hope so.

The Situation of humans therefore leaves no hopes to any Congress of the given brainless Apes. They may decide over a fine Hollywood craze, be it in environment, finances, health care, nourishment, illusions about saving clean water and preventing the catastrophes to come. Why all this is the case, was mentioned in my Oeuvre.

My Oeuvre

Well, all started with my "ORAKEL 1995" showing the situation of the globe by around 1975 - one chapter the realistic situation in Politics, Science, Economics, Religion and Ecology - and some second chapter naming the Solutions that should have led out of the impasse. The Major idea there was that we have no time to get out of danger. Further the Point of no return would have been 1975. Further the fact that Democracy would be a Dictatorship of dull Majorities arranging the Craze in which we live in by the theories of Pragmatism. It was said around 1981, when extended in a book to "ORAKEL 2099" that first would collapse capitalism and then socialism. The other way round was simple coincidence.

Then followed the book "Thoughts in Torino". Based on the fact that one can walk around Torino, in each corner you come aware of the real situation of our world, as gone in contrast to the illusionary world being in existence. In fact this book that not one editing company wanted to print (same for all coming oeuvres), this book had already all the important points to recognize that humans shall never get a second chance.

Based on the craze in technology and cash being multiplied from day to day, I wrote in the change from 1999 to 2000 "Lines driven to heaven", showing in overall sight, how soon "Time shall stand still on the horizontal line, whereas the line of catastrophes and collapses shall mount like a wall in vertical direction" - and this happened from 1975 to today. The bend is over - and the Wall a FACT.

Written in one week on a little table in a little flat near Monaco, followed "10 Maxims for continuation of Life". This book is valid still today - word by word, saying in 10 maxims what humans should have done to come out of the Free Fall to hell, arranged around the period from 1975 to 2000. It proves in very much detail, why humans have come not to their virtual end, but to their End - tout court.

The book "CHAOS" showed in all respects we could think of, the true reasons for the state of affairs as we have now. The origins and effects were shown as a logic construct of our given philosophies out of 1000 better models to think. The effects in politics, economy, culture, finances, religion and ecology were discussed on over 300 pages in greatest detail ever seen on this Globe. Today this book to be read, such oeuvre would no longer help to stop the downfall to hell of humans.

Then followed "Might x Stupidity = Self destruction". In 18 Chapters, some matters of today's world were discussed and explained why they are what they are and what the end result may be. But the best of this book are the Critics on Adam Smith, René Descartes, Niccolo Machiavelli, Karl Marx, August von Hayek, John Maynard Keynes, Milton Friedman, Michel Foucault and some guy en vogue then Giorgio Agamben. Followed a chapter called "Die Zwangsläufigkeit der Verhältnisse" and "Genialität und Normalität" showing that geniuses are the only normal folks on Earth today - the rest is Scrap.

Later I wrote novels like "John Demaster" showing an E.T. learning all mechanics of the life on Earth and proving in his comments written down in his laptop, the real situation around 2000. Then followed the book "Voyage in the past", Demaster having some interviews with the most important geniuses and brains of whole history in our rotten humanity.

With Editors Letters, understood by nobody, least by World News, I tried to wake up little Susie and brainless Tom, but the dullness of humans got to heaven and has already reached the lowest level of the Internet of Google, Facebook, Twitter and the brains of Bush, Obama, Putin, Merkel and Berlusconi - it was too late.

Naturally who has no time for reading, got my small oeuvre "Pladesniekant" in the NET, taking all facts again up on only some 50 pages. But there is no hope, that folks with IQ of 35 can understand one simple phrase out of it.

How to read "Reality"

Read my yesterday article "Rettung der Welt" in German in "Welt des Geistes" Gazette. It says all about how drastic the measures could be, if anyone wants as "Dictator of the World" give some chance, to allow humanity a future after the year 2099, including the idea that such a humanity would never commit crimes, craze and destroy a planet with force, technology and cash.

The measures required and offered to save today's humanity are of a sort, I shall not repeat the steps out of Danger once more.

It is craze and insanity on our globe today, that only illusionary saving points, some sort of a science-fiction theatre, could give at least some sort of hope to prevent the present downfall to hell without recourse, to nice humans without sight on facts.

On the other side, "reality" could be read as the last chance, to see these terrible humans quit their lives on Earth for good. Who does not see the inevitable necessity for this "catastrophe" to happen, cannot see any truth about what humans did from the year 5000 before Christ to this very day - and will continue with craze and blindness - until their disappearance before the year 2099, guaranteed today, will be reached as final Aim of humanity.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 18, 2011