Elements of U.S. Financial MAFIA

The richest and the mighty Men and Women of this World - we call them "our Elite" - in times of troubles in Ecology, Economy, Politics and Culture - are responsible for:

1. The Elite of the rich and mighty dictate all the rules and are governing our world.

2. They built a finance system, making the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

3. There are little morals and ethics in the interest of the great masses of folks in all nations.

4. We all live in a System where only Cash, Shares and Stock Exchanges seem to count.

5. This system leaves no chances to future generations to live on an intact planet anymore.

6. The ecologic situation was and still is developing in a direction where growth and greed dictate that the advantages are alone on the side of the rich and mighty. However, the overall richness and fortunes of the world, wilfully exhausted and getting lost right now, should in fact belong to the world population in total.

7. The States are indebted more and more and go slowly towards bankruptcy and thus a normal life becomes nearly impossible, mainly for the masses of middle class and poor in the future. And still the USA and EU and soon China try in vain to stop the exploding Bubble.

8. The World of the Animals is arranged to be one of death and torture, biodiversity goes down, oceans are emptied from fish, the human mass consumerism goes in a way that this holocaust of animals is so terrible, it has no comparison. - WWF, Greenpeace, AI, UNO, Al Gore and other idiots have done nothing, absolutely nothing, to stop this craze for the other millions of species with higher ethics than the one Species of self-destructing Homo non-sapiens.

9. Nature, oceans, original forests, huge areas of land get lost in deserts, monoculture or worse, bees and insects and all the rest are dying, all is poisoned due to our life-style and life quality that could have gone on for some millions of years, instead of reaching its natural end by about 2099 based on human mass-laws and mathematical stupidity. There never existed for one second any "GREEN" Party in any nation - they all were the slaves of liberal money diggers. Our Cohn-Bendits are nothing but Fake in the oily slick around the Gulf of Texas.

10. The Explosion of population from 2 billion to 8 billion in only 100 years is at the source of the present downfall of a dull money and technology-based world, working in the direction of destroying a planet, to the detriment of poor humans and the short-time advantage of the richest and mighty ones, going all against nature and animals and the environment of the latest human species being assumed "intellectual".

11. The richest folks have at their disposal an army of consultants, lawyers, accountants, tax experts and other idiots, to minimize their tax charges and for increasing their richness with an incredibly dull life style with villas, yachts, casinos, lifted beauties - all on the account of those who have less and less of possible life quality.

12. The stock exchanges and the orthodox chaps on Wall Street and City of London planned the loss and destruction of trillions in savings of Main Street workers, employees and farmers - worldwide - and called this god-damned Casino without State Controls - a "free market" and beautiful neo-liberalism, where bonus-bankers and privileged investors got everything, and pension funds, insurances and States lost those trillions of saving and State reserves in return.

13. The Elite being against control on masses accepted that any woman or man could bring as many children into the land and mega-slums of the planet, even if these intellectual low numbers would not be able to nourish such masses at length. But the mighty persons in religion and sects said it would be God's will, humans are holy and the planet pure junk. Therefore, they did not take their responsibility in looking for social security for those in increasing poverty, when at the same time they had enough cash to look after maintaining their richness. Infrastructure and social charges were born by the middle class alone, since the richest had their Swiss banks and Tax paradise consultants.

14. The Elite dictated to the poor to go in wars in their name and interests, protecting their own Bush Idiots. Many regimes of torture were only there in the interest of the rich and mighty Pinochets, Thatchers and Reagans of any sorts, and they killed in the name of U.S. and other governments any social thinking students, workers, unions, journalists or editors and others, still having a brain. During this slaughtering, the greediest heads still planned to take profit from wars, torture and destruction of all savings of the masses by FED, ECB, WEF or other economic Idiots.

15. It was the splendid idea of the rich shareholders, that billions of cars and thousands of airplanes and hundreds of cruiser ships, in favour of some rich nations' percents, would use up all oil of a planet and transform it into deadly poison, that would with terrible and foreseeable easiness prepare a collapse of the world Climate and bring out of order our Weather machinery. Nobody should be astonished to see in the future always worsening floods, terrible droughts, super storms and even monster waves in oceans.

16. Schools and Universities are prepared to diffuse alone the bright ideals of the brain-sick Elites and scientists, the same sort of deadly pragmatism in the interest of the rich and mighty few, creating a terrible casino-system taking the money away from the working masses, invested in shareholder values of the richest, all based on a consent of dullest governments conceivable in a dying world.

17. Nations with the greatest reserves in Oil, gas, metal and other resources could steal all the money from the "Have-Nots" States and accumulated cash for oligarchs alone and their governmental junk. It was a play of stealing all from their own and foreign ordinary folks, in South Africa, Russia, Arabia, USA, Europe etc. and giving it to some privileged skunks, playing casino with their banks, conglomerates and workers' salary systems of Main Street.

18. All Governments and Parliaments handled merely in the interest of the tax-free richest idiots and their Elite of mighty VIPs, shown on TV as a funny mass-circus, but being enriched on the basis of the masses of poverty, out of pure dullness, stupidity, greed and profit maximation - and all this would cost the life-basis of a Planet. And dead-sure, it would take away all chances from future generations, our own children, paying the debt charges arranged by the Elite, after having seen a life arranged for working poor and farmers having less to die, whereas the rich had their tax freedom and other earthly Paradises.

19. The system of privatisation and globalisation only served to allow the masses to pay for all infrastructures for traffic, electricity, water supply, postal services, trains, telephone and other services that should have served the mass folks. But then the greedy rich idiots have taken out all their advantages by privatisation, later to be taken again, after having cannibalized the system, under control of States with the savings of middle class. So the rich chaps got the same money three times: First when building up the national nets, then when selling it to private companies enriching shareholders - and again when the bankrupt service systems being re-built with those who paid taxes alone. And not one person being the victim of the system, understood the procedure.

20. The masses made dull by the media of the rich, agreed when the religious idiots on Wall Street around Greenspan, Goldman, Sachs, Ackerman, Lynch, Lehman, Summers, Morgan, Blankfein, Rothschild, Krugman, Milton Friedman, Karl Popper and so on, were cheering like hell about preparation of their own downfall, when the greatest political dirt on our Globe, protected by names in politics like JFK, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Thatcher, Blair, Berlusconi, Putin, Hu and Wen, Singh, Sarkozy, Merkel and other idiots that dictated the rules and even told some stupid persons in BRIC, mainly China and India, to follow a bubble-system of zero brains and monstrous ethics.

21. The Massacre in Auschwitz, WW II, Hiroshima, Vietnam, Chile, Argentina, Rwanda, Ex-Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Israel and thousands of other areas, stayed without any consequences, because the richest Egoists and the intellectual Elite paid by them, including U.S. Presidents and their congresses and NGOs like WEF, G-20, IMF, Worldbank, CIA and all the rest, were responsible for the mess of killing and destroying all reserves of the Globe. And the former victims of WW II started all over to become the perpetrators wherever on this Planet.

22. The secret services only protected the Elite of the rich and mighty and controlled the masses of middle class and poor. The have-nots were arrested in masses, tortured to death, thrown in the Sea or buried in mass graves. These services had full power to do anything to give all rights to the Elite and none to ordinary folks - and this was the way, to get riches and more power at the cost of those who just believed in democracy and human rights with tricky tribunals, bluffing some "Justice", when in fact the system never worked in the interest of great masses.

23. The few ethical thinking persons and social heads were taken for stupid by the mass media, who used their criminal force only for useless infotainment, sex and crime stories, keeping the poor happy with Hollywood junk, keeping those dull and without horizon, who the victims of the systems would even lose all old age insurance, savings in banks too big to fail, help to avoid national bankruptcy and bringing the money back to those who had it before.

24. No problem seemed to be in the eyes of Elites the Explosion of population, destruction of nature, water and air, exhaustion of resources in 100 years against all generations to come, all in favour of some funny days for the richest and most powerful idiots. No problem with mass-traffic, mass-tourism, mass-consumerism, mass-sex, mass-births, mass-killing of innocents, mass-money-casino, mass-systems in favour of the rich and to the detriment of the poor. Chinese workers may go to hell for the richer Americans, Bonus-Bankers make profits with the money of ordinary folks' savings, politicians are re-elected on false promises, when in fact they worked only in favour with shareholder value views, arranging for 90 percent of masses soon having no chances to live in decency for all times to come.

25. Cynicism and the "Principle of Nihilism" would find no limits and go beyond what can be accepted. WW ll and Vietnam planed FOR the will of the rich and maintaining the ever same Dynasties of those who always dictated the downfall of systems and justice and rights for those who had the privileges from birth. And most naturally it worked always AGAINST the ones who were in the majority. And if ever a poor person became rich, he just adopted the views of the established few. And these forces had in hand all the mass-media and mass-culture to throw sand in the eyes of us, who got their daily doses of deadly effects, brought to light by State politics, money politics, environmental Gulf of Texas politics, politics of neo-liberalism, capitalism, privatisation of folks' fortune and globalisation - a death-turn machinery of the greatest greed and growth, killing a planet within 200 years since 1900 with "progress", growth, technology, mass-laws and stupidity of those who dictated our thinking power.

And all this was without any effects on the conscience of the rich and mighty VIP. The workers and employees and farmers, females and children may lose all, if only the Elites could cook their soup, when other lose their jobs, their houses, their savings, their honour, their morals. And never even the most criminal poor chap, could be just one thousandth as much of a criminal as the huge perpetrators, the famous finance, war and torture makers, to say those who dictated so far and for all of us, what has just been said before.

Let's name our great 'Geniuses' for guilt and shame:

Let's name again the major geniuses, responsible for the downfall of a planet which could have been made a paradise, if the ones who had the power, would not have been such god-damned arrogant and dull:

We are speaking here of those who have the influence on cash, stock exchanges, banks, conglomerates and nations - of those making the laws, the system of unequal justice and taxation.

Think of the bankers and hedge fund idiots and their greed. The cowered NGOs and other "think-tanks", making their useless Alibi jobs for those who take NGOs for idiots, when destroying all what's left behind. The famous School - not only in Chicago - of U.S. Pragmatism, trumpeting in the world, the mass would have the "Best of Orwell Worlds" possible, if following some idiotic ideas of Friedman or Keynes and other brainless philosophers. The system is the power and NGOs just alibi junk.

Dullness or Intent?

- Dullness of the Elite

The present and future collapse of human systems was either based on dullness or intent. - If it was DULLNESS of the Elite, what could the masses do, since they themselves accepted ALL in the name of "Democracy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities" - and thus elected themselves their own butchers?

- Intent of the Elite

If the collapses we experience today and the much huger ones to come tomorrow, are based on INTENT, the masses as victims of the rich and mighty perpetrators will, some day, ask for heaviest punishment and consequences for those, who for their "Principle of greed and growth" wanted all and immediately - on the account and interest of great folks and all of their children's children.

Whatsoever may be recognized as Truth, we all were forced to live in a CIRCUS of highest stupidity, with deadly ideals for Growth, Greed, Cash - for the few, when all reserves of the planet being given to a small group of a species, planning to kill our planet in only 200 years. And the effect will be of a disaster, not one person is willing to imagine yet.

This is what we call "Civilisation", this is what we call "theories of value in economics", this is what we call "democracy and human rights", this is what we call religion or justice for all, this is what we call "Progress" and life for "Science" - in favour of any kind person, being borne in between the years 1900 and 2100 when the whole matter got out of any human control.

All this - nothing but a terrible Lie?

Now you may think that all this here is scrap and a terrible Lie? Okay - Let's face it:

If only 10 percent would be true, it would be a huge scandal. But unfortunately, 100 percent of what you could read here is true. And any relativity coming from the dirty brains leaving us under their influence, would again come from those who had the power in governments, in banking, all the shareholder values based on rotten liberalism for the few, looking for destruction for the masses - on a dying planet on Top.

There is another truth: Until about 1975, all what is said on this page can be put against the rich and mighty Elite. Since at the latest the year 2000, the sheer masses of folks have created a Globe where there is not way-out of such systems of self-destruction, even if the Elite would wish so.

But this still is the crime of the richest folks, in addition to a philosophy financed by such dirt, inclusive of some nice theories of economics. We are living in a political system and with funny religions who worshipped some God when in fact taking into account that the poor believers were slowly kicking the bucket on a Planet brought slowly to its end - based on poverty and deficiencies of any kind you may think of.

Rene Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "CHAOS" / "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" / "Point of no return 1975" / "The world being exhausted until 2025" / "Criminal acts in politics" and some other very nice stories to fill in lines and brains, when there was nothing before.

rene-delavy-com // pladesniekant.com