Pro-Americanism - Trump meets Harris

Dialoge Trump versus Harris 


Harris: Hi – Donald – You are not my best friend – but as American girl and Pro-Semit I love you anyway – great! 

Trump: I love Netanyahu like God and myself. Having our heads in the asshole of Natan and Jews and Selensky – we may have some same interests.

Harris: During the hurricane in Florida – you and me asked for some further Fracking and Coal and Silicon Valley murderers of climate - same as Tesla of bullshit and bluff. Guess we have - as couple - the same interests in ecology and other things. 

Trump: There is a difference, because I as the Master in Evangelism, I am against abortion for all women, and you are killing babys since your birth. 

Harris: It was Biden. I am neutral. Women should decide after a good fuck what happens with the result. Your Supreme Court of old Ladies does not give a choice and they cannot judge properly- having never any more some fuck. 

Trump: As possessor of Mar-a-Lago and 20 hotels and golf courts - since 20 years don’t pay taxes a Dime. My Bankers and investors lose billions and are like Putin, being my best investor - full of believing and trust. 

Harris: I know how you are rich and clever, not possessing one dime - but a fine criminal too like Musk, making masses super-stupid and such characters want to govern my country? 

Trump: You a rotten Indian believing to be a true American? You are still a slave of white men fantasies - you would be some catastrophe as President – my Godness. No idea how Wall Street functions and let starve China. 

Harris: China is dead. No need for actions in customs charges – cheap e-cars gone. We blow and China tumbles to hell. And we will make America sorry – USA - great again. 

Trump: It’s a shame how you are stealing our fakes. As the most handsome man west of Paris, I shall win und ruin my country forever. 

Harris: My words. The power must get in my hands – within 6 months, I will create an Atom War with Russia and Iran and China and some other African lands and thus, will see how US-empire gets huge again. 

Trump: Huge alone is my intellect – I visited public school for 4 years – that’s my education back-ground, some tremendous oversight on types and level of Elon Musk and Bezos and Zuckerberg. 

Harris: With help of AIPAC, Swift and Silicon Valley Jews, I will win our elections and put you in jail forever when won. 

Trump: Proof that you got crazy. But now, have to get golfing - merde - Bye. 

Harris: This man has not the courage to listen to my wisdom of a female trans and queer – what a shame – what a poor creature! 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on October 10, 2024