Mass Murder - USA

Mass-Murder by USA 


There is no nation – killing more folks as USA: 

Not Hitler, not Stalin, not Mao and not the Roman Empire or Nol Pot. 

USA killed directly or indirectly some hundreds of millions of folks in over 100 countries. Also explained by Noam Chomsky.

First see what others did: 


Don’t judge 1945 – but the intent 1939: Hitler believed to win in 3 months – with about 10’000 dead men. Surprise like WW 1: It was over 50 millions plus 6 million of Jews and his own suicide. A pity, Netanyahu killed not himself either. 


This dull person tried some future stupidity of neoliberalism like in USA and created against his OWN folks 10 million dead people. It was at least only Chinese. 


He was afraid that Marxism could collapse and killed millions of Russians without any reason. There were no dirty Americans touched and no Germans that he killed in WW 2 some 25 million Russians - before USA attacked Putin.


Now the main criminal in history so far: 


What a crazy difference – comparable to colonialists out of Europe – to the most rotten Nation of all times - as USA became. 

USA must have murdered some 300 millions of innocents – without reason. 

Genocide on Red Indians, on black slaves of Niggers, Mexicans, bombing Japan und killing in: 

100 nations such as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Chile, Argentina, all South and Middle America, Philippines, all nations in Africa and Asia and killing even folks in Europe. 

There means were sanctions, no medicine, no care, closed frontiers, drones, killing silently by sickness and putting in poverty per billions – USA killed more as any other nation or passed empire. 

What a SHAME!!! 


Therefore, USA and Israel built up by USA with atom forces must be banned from the map by the other 200 nations. 

No import anymore from USA. 

No delivery of energy or raw materials and seldom earths. 

No help in any finance matters and drive USA into crash. 

All atom rockets in direction of USA: 

Let Arab land throw Israel into the Sea. 

Wall Street and City of London and Silicon Valley to be killed or driven in bankruptcy. 

Well, there are 100 other actions to kill a nation that killed 20 billion folks even before the year 2099 – with help of their JEWS. 

USA – just leave this world – NOW! 


René Delavy - Côte d’Azur 

written on October 12, 2024