Biden and his crimes

Joe Biden got under Zyklon B?


The most rotten US President after the Junk idiot TRUMP must go to Auschwitz under the Jewish Zyklon B - to be gassed. 

Now, whoever is not informed about accounting and tax fraud, should keep his mouth shut.

I will prove that Joe Biden must be tortured in the police school of Buenos Aires just now: 

Tax Fraud in Switzerland, Delaware und worldwide 

Let’s see: 

For Switzerland the big companies per thousands each year and billionaires have saved taxes in the amount of 5000 billion or 5 trillion Dollars. 

For Delaware some same figure can be counted. 

With 50 tax oasis, we can assume the loss since 1960 to today on 25 to 50 trillion dollars of Tax Fraud. 


How come? 


For Switzerland and especially for Town of ZUG: 

Take some 10000 Companies in Swiss places of tax privileges, paying no taxes on real profits international as “Mixed Companies” (in ALL Swiss cantons such games are in force), they paid no taxes on outside Switzerland profits and on small and cheated Swiss profits only 5 percent of income taxes. 

Even worse for billionaires and millionaires in Swiss banks and living in Switzerland: They paid no taxes on realized and unrealized capital gains in billions of Dollars and for the rest, they paid on Household costs instead of worldwide income, being perhaps 3 percent of their profits. 


This game goes for Delaware of  rotten Biden and 50 Tax fraud Oasis 

The same game but under 1000 other tricks of the “BIG 6” (pwc, EY, KMPG, Deloitte, Accenture, McKinsey) and 100000 Tax experts and lawyers worldwide were driven to the max for all Rich Class folks and all great companies of USA and 100 other nations. 


Now, the Swiss Federal Counsel knew all about these facts as also to some extent the totally stupid and brain-sick Trump Donald and some Joe Biden and some NYT and CNN and all Fake Media of USA etc. 

Therefore, whereas the POOR were driven to hell for not paying 30 percent and trying to hide some cents, were prosecuted like hell – we demand that all such JEWS be brought to Auschwitz under Zyklon B.


Got it – is it not? 

Big Shit of USA, BIDEN, wants to give lessons to Putin and Iran and Jinping, whereas this Crook must be brought to Popper and Pinker and Milton Friedman Police School in Buenos Aires and his Ashes thrown over the Atlantic for all times.... 


Renée Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written in June 2021  


Butterfly Effect 

Some idiotic US experts pretended that the rise of prices for nourishment, oil, resources etc. would be the result of the Butterfly Effect. 

This is JUNK! 

The only thing we have is the greed of Jews in Stock Exchanges and Banks who were not gassed in Auschwitz like the criminal asses like Trump, Nigger Obama, WEF Stunk, Biden and Harris und those CROOKS governing a greedy world going down to HELL any moment, if the responsible idiots are not driven to Auschwitz in the next time by the 99 percent – idiots!


Death guaranteed 

What we see are dirty speculators gaining tax-free trillions of Dollars, protected by Biden and the US Congress and the “Deep State” of Jews, hitting to death first the poor of Africa, then India, China, South America followed by USA and Europe. 

Afterwards the Rich Class will die from slaughter by the masses or simply by the same effects - their poor idiots died before them. 

Undertaking anything is nuts: What we have is a situation of no return and whatever governments and junk think tanks do, is by each decision just accelerating the breakdown of all systems. 

We are dead – and don’t know yet....