CORONA - Damage wide over 50 Trillions of Dollars
Figures of Deaths and Mutations in June 2021 are FAKE but highest worldwide - but stupid Amis, Swiss, Brazil and Indian assholes pretend - all is over now.......
Deaths should be multiplied by 200 to get the CASES - and most lands do not report their dead folks and not even those getting sick. What a BULLSHIT of Johns Hopkins!
Forget it: All starts just NOW! Be sure that all reported figures from Africa, South America, India and whole of Asia are completey false by the factor of 2 to 100 - those statistics can be thrown in the toilet.
Und der wirtschaftliche Schaden wird um den Faktor 10 alles überstrahlen, was je in der Presse an Blödsinn verbreitet worden ist.... (economic collapse to be multiplied by 10)
G-7 Gaunerei - June 2021
Es ist ein Skandal, wie die USA, die EU und der Rest die ehrlicher Steuerzahler-Massen bescheissen:
Die Mindeststeuer von 15 Prozent auf Gewinnen der Weltkonzerne ist ein Bluff. Diese Judenfirmen werden weiterhin bescheissen und ohnehin sind 15 Prozente ein Witz. Diese Tricks führen zu nichts.
Ich hatte gelernt an der UNI: Accountants erschaffen ein INTERNATIONAL TAX SCHEME and any country gets of real INCOME some 35 percent of taxes. And all "Mixed Companies" at ZUG still pay only 25 percent of normal low tax rates in Switzerland and such dirty shit still govern all big criminal enterprises worldwide.
All such Jews must go to Auswitz and all partners of the "BIG 6" of Accounting and Tax Fraud are murdered and those being Jews see New Auswitz soon.
All Shit faces of Milton Friedman, WEF Schwab or Karl Popper must be murdered, before the CORONA catastrophe can multiply death over USA or China and the rest...
The only relevant question of Economics is:
Are the Stock Exchange values 50 or 10000 percent overvalued (TESLA -Bitcoins etc.) as compared to the real value
of companies. Today, the over-valuation of shares and bonds is still
extremely high. ALL Crypto and Derivates are totally worthless.
immediate and far away damage of the PANDEMIC worldwide will reach some 50 to
100 trillion Dollars:
Worldwide Principle and FACT:
The corrupt elites and the paranoid masses believe in values of States, banks, papers and money and crypto bullshit that are fully lost for all times.
The principle is that all central banks issue trillions of money to uphold such Junk being overstated or even zero (see below) and FACT is that the religion and belief in Money and Papers and figures in computers make it, how in reality the effective bankruptcy of the whole finance world is not yet evident, before the global CRASH comes and destroyes all inexitent fortunes in 200 countries.
Go down in figures and practically bankrupt:
Banks – Insurance – Re-Insurance – rental systems - Tourism – Events – Sports –
War industry – weapons – luxury – housing – building business – fracking and
oil industry - car and plane production - most of consulting business – beauty operations – airlines –
cruise ships – hedge funds – NGOs – health industry (failure of States and rich
class) – crypto and derivatives shit - prostitution
– casinos – presentations of Bluffers like Peterson, GRETA, Al Gore, WEF
Schwab, Musk TESLA, Madonna and all other mass bullshit in all nations of the
As a result of the World Economic CRASH, 10 times more people of ALL ages will DIE as from Corona virus!
and Africans and South Americans don’t test, not even the dead ones – and they
lie about the figures, because it’s in their nature of rasses and they have
crooks and idiots on Top of Governments!
Real values:
- Shares in Casino Stock Exchange values are in
excess of real corporate value by the factor of 10 to one million (TESLA).
- State and treasury bonds are becoming worthless
and will never be paid back.
- Same goes for derivative shit, structured bullshit
and Bitcoins and other Crypto.
- Real Estate goes down by 50 percent and money will
become worthless soon.
Tourism lands - going down NOW:
Philippines – Thailand – Egypt - Singapore - Greece – Italy – Spain – Caribbean – Florida –
Brazil – Switzerland – Austria – Hawaii – In-Towns like New York, London, Paris, Lucerne, Venice, Barcelona, Hong Kong etc. – religious centres – far away
In addition - most NATIONS are in fact bankrupt:
China – Japan – USA – most European countries – Middle East – Russia – Brazil
by the rest of nations
Will not be paid
– high interests – open items for bought apartments or houses – any great acquisitions
of conglomerates and mergers – final payments for energy on the way –
transports – holidays – film and events industry- media industry – consulting –
beauty and so on –
above all some 200 trillion in DEBTS of 200 nations being in fact BANKRUPT.
this all is just the PEAK of the Iceberg – Idiots.
Will be eliminated:
Trump – Modi – Abe – Jinping – Duterte – Erdogan – Natan Juhu – Bolsonaro and
practically all leaders who had the CHANCE of being in Politics during the 3
years maximal CORONA Crisis and world collapse in finances and economics.
was predicted in all of my scripts since 30 years –
but referring to the downfall of the Jewish neoliberalism and finance bullshit -
developed since 1975 in all nations all over our Globe by the wildest CROOKS
our humanity ever saw.
Delavy – Côte d’Azur
on March 25, 2020
Broken States save dead
Stock Exchanges
Since quite a long time, nations like Japan, USA,
China, India, Brazil and most European nations are bankrupt. Same goes for
banks and most of conglomerates.
Now, when all Stock Exchanges of the globe go down
for natural reaons during the Corona catastrophe, nations invest billions in
shares and bonds and derivatives, to keep those values high, otherwise the
whole building of finance industry would fall to dust.
But this idiocy to save the Trump empire, Elon Musk
and TESLA and all bankrupt companies and banks, will show up one day and the
disaster will be terrible and bring our world to its end of a stupid and rotten
capitalism. And all currencies will sink down to zero – this being the end of
our civilisation within the next 10 years.
Assholes – Death to World-Economics
had my book „10 Maximen zur Weiterexistenz“, written before 2000, to learn how
humanity could live on, in the 21st Century and after the Trump Corona deal:
is all
neoliberal Junk of USA, Switzerland, Israel, Wall Street, City of London teached
in disfavour of any idiot and small citizen, that Money and Richness is all.
a result, shares are 10 times higher as real corporate value, bonds of States
are zero, derivatives and Bitcoins the greatest Bullshit ever seen.
when 50 percent of all folks get no salary anymore and 50 percent of companies
go grounding, even the real estate market will get down for ever.
OIL will be expensive like hell, if fracking is ending and Russia and Saudi Arabia
lower the production by 50 percent soon.
see now the end of capitalism and of the US Empire for all times – and the
bluff of China goes down, killing such bluff and India will see ending its
idiocy of explosion of Pops, such as even worse in Africa.
are all
young shit of neoliberal school today wants battle against the breakdown of all
countries by technical idiocy, Silicon Valley shit, counting the disaster per
APPS and wanting replace normal life by AMAZON and FACEBOOK.
influencer Bullshit of ME TOO and GRETA Hypes are gone, consumerism is DEAD for
all times – young dirt of sick Weinstien idiocy went to hell!
more stupid TV programs, books, internet and social media get – the more
children and the giggling youth are fund of. Take it as example, if youth is
better as former generations.
young idiots: First die today the elder persons and then comes the young shit
that learnt nothing but technical gadgets without any future value.
if you wanted to get rich and making fine trips with cruise ships or Easy Air,
you will learn that oligarchs and the Rich Class go to devil - right now –
and the rest will be massacred.
to normality? Forget it, your brain is rotten and will never seize any normal
matter until your personal DEATH – Friend!
The worst Capitalist+/“nesses
The worst Shit of humans in High positions were
Trump may be a criminal and stupid man, but it was
Thatcher who brought Reagan and other Jewish scrap into neoliberalism and such
leading to the END of the economic World disaster of mass killing.
And it was Blythe Masters of Morgan Shit Bank and
the „BIG 6“ who invented CDO and CDS and other bullshit, resulting in worthless
derivatives and such the bankruptcy of Wall Street, City of London and China
including the rest of the Globe.
All sort of books ever written by Me Too Females can
be kicked in the basket.
In Top Positions of governments, WHO, Fed, IMF,
Worldbank and all banks and conglomerates, we should never have females,
nigger, Arabs, Chinese and other idiots of lower intellect in charge in case of
a world-crisis. Such idiot*/nesses would never know what to do and they would increase
the risks and dangers all the time.
Verleugnung der Tatsachen:
Zahlen der Infizierten und der zukünftigen Toten sind völlig falsch in allen
Statistiken, die heute kursieren.
Anbetracht des Verhaltens von Regierungschefs und Regierungen müssen Millionen Menschen
betroffen sein in:
(ausserhalb Wuhan) – Indonesien – Indien – Philippinen – Brasilien – Türkei –
Mexiko – USA – England und andere sorglose Idiotenstaaten, die keine Ahnung von
Realität haben und mit Bevölkerungen gesegnet sind, die zu 99 Prozent aus
Verblödeten bestehen.
sind tödlich betroffen:
– China – Japan – Indien – ganz Europa – Südamerika
Banken – Notenbanken – Börsen – Versicherungen – Tourismus – auf ewig!
ist in meinem gesamten Leben NIE ein intelligenter Mensch begegnet –
weder privat – noch beruflich – nicht in Literatur – nicht am TV, Internet,
Politik, Wissenschaft, Kunst, Wirtschaft oder was auch immer.
war ich von einer Masse von Verblödeten umgeben, die jetzt verrecken kann!
25. March 2020
Idioten-Nationen mit Idioten-Staatschefs
diese Nationen und Konzerne sind jetzt zum Verrecken bestimmt:
USA und England setzten auf die dreckigsten Judenbanken der Welt. Die Finanzindustrie
geht jetzt zugrunde weltweit und damit auch die USA, England, Luxembourg,
Singapore, Hong Kong und anderer Dreck.
- Alle
Steueroasen der “BIG 6” des Accounting und Steuerbetruges für die Rich Class
verrecken an sich selbst.
Der Silicon Valley Bluff geht jetzt in eine Breakdown Phase:
Blödsinn mit TESLA und Elektro-Beschiss kommt an sein Ende, vor allem wenn
China keine Seltenen Erden mehr schickt.
Bullshit-Firmen Amazon und DHL verschicken den Virus in alle Welt und die Chefs
landen im Gefängnis mit Trump und Johnson.
Facebook, Apple and Trump entpuppen sich als der Dreck - den sie sind:
Mensch bezahlt mehr für den Scheiss, vor allem die kaputten Unternehmen können
keine Billionen mehr für Werbung leisten.
Der Dreck von Bitcoin, Airbnb oder Uber kommt in Konkurs, weil der Tourismus
auf alle Zeiten tot ist.
In-Megastädte wie Venedig, Barcelona, New York, London, Paris, Rio de Janeiro
und anderer Schiss des Umweltvernichtungs-Reisens werden den Wahnsinn von vor
2020 nicht mehr sehen.
wird sehr interessant und niemals langweilig, die nächsten drei Jahre – und dann
verreckt der NEOLIBERALISMUS und der AIPAC-Finanzwahn endlich an sich selbst
auf alle Zeiten.
über 20 Prozente aller Arbeiter und Angestellten und Selbständigerwerbenden und
Tages-Diener werden auf immer ihre Jobs verlieren und die Weltwirtschaft
rauscht um weit über 25 Prozente in die Tiefe des Raumes, und die Finanzindustrie
wird sich zum Glück nie mehr erholen.
stehen vor einer Neuen Schönen Welt – der Beginn des Niedergangs einer
Idiotenheit des Grauens!
vorausgesagt seit 1975 in meiner Literatur!
Analysis of Economic Data in Accounting
banks and insurances have equity (Eigenkapital) of at highest 10 percent of
balance sheet total. Considering values of assets went down by 20 percent
already, today all Banks and Insurances are bankrupt. And the deep fall is
coming still.
goes for ALL conglomerates of the world:
idiots have lots of goodwill and immaterial shit in their Assets and not shown
all debts and provisions for risks on the balance sheet. This means that almost
all such companies are accounting wise BANKRUPT already today – and the flow
down goes on and on and on.
are DEAD and don’t know YET – IDIOTS!
Mass-Craziness - gone for ever!
After the final finance and economy CRASH of
USA, China, India, Japan and some other 50 States, the loss of jobs for hundred
of millions, the mass tourism, mass flights, mass cruise ships, mass events and
mass sports are gone for ever.
won’t have any means and cash anymore and State will be bankrupt just as banks
and insurance companies and rent systems for the old idiots of our globe.
Africa, USA and Europe do not want accept anymore any idiots out of China or
India – and in other places, after the CRASH of Africa and Middle East, Niggers
and Islamists and Arabs do not want to be seen outside their countries.
the Corona Treasure will have done more for climate and GRETA, as any ORG of
200 nations of idiots would ever have achieved.
note, still humanity will kick the bucket until 2050 or 2099 at the latest in
the sense of all my books – Idiots of Craze!
the actual SHUTDOWN and closed trade and industry be stopped and reversed,
there will never be the same situation as before – hundred of millions will
have lost their JOBS for ever.
the CHANCE is great, that the mutated virus will return and kill some 80
percent of world POPS – as given by order of GOD or ALLAH or TRUMP, as you wish
Greatest Wonder!
Amis, Indians, Chinese and Germans and English don’t get how stupid are Trump,
Merkel, Modi, Johnson, Abe, Bolsonaro etc., then such JUNK of common Bullshit
folks is lower in intellect as Soviet people or Hitler admirers some time ago.
Es ist keine Frage ob der Kapitalismus oder der chinesische Kommunismus besser sind.
Geld, Wertpapiere und der ganze Finanzdreck sind absolut wertlos.
Sogar wenn aller Reichtum der Erde einfliessen würde zum Schutz von Klima und Umwelt, würde der Planet verrecken an den Systemen, am Fehlen von Rohstoffen und Wasser und an der Dummheit des Homo Nonsapiens - diesem unglaublich paranoiden Idioten.
Geld und Werte im Computer dienen nur dazu, egal wie der Reichtum verteilt ist, den Planeten und die Menschheit zu vernichten in den nächsten 50 Jahre, ohne dass irgendeine Möglichkeit besteht, diesen Kollaps oder Katastrophe zu vermeiden.
Wir sind TOT - und keine Macht der Welt kann dies noch vermeiden.