Israel under Bolton and Trump

Israel must be destroyed
Bolton – Trump and Natan Yuhu must be eliminated

Some may say that Russia should be destroyed. Well Russia never attacked whatever nation you want...

Other idiots may say that China should be eliminated before it is the next Empire, since USA goes very fast down to bottom, to the final hell where it belongs.

It is funny that almost nobody thinks to see an advantage if USA and Israel would be destroyed.

First of all, there is no need for a nuclear war against USA or Israel, since it would destroy the Earth as a whole.

It will be sufficient to wait for Trump and Bolton and Israel to bring down USA on its knees together with help of our Corona Darling – and all three are done.

But now, why first Bolton and Trump must be eliminated

The Book of Bolton Johnny - (The happy room of Trump) - proves to what extent he wishes to see wars against Iran, North Korea, the entire Middle East, China, Russia and the rest.

Trump being the greatest stupid idiot in Politics and a gangster of tax fraud and consequent bankruptcies, is not better but even worse as Bolton.

However, the more I read the book of BOLTON, the more I get convinced that the only normal person in the White House – was Donald Trump!

All his advisers are junk and dead-stupid and can be sent in the next toilet.

And the only ANALYSIS of value was mine:

- Trump will end the US Empire (not so much as Obama, GW Bush and what Hillary would have done) – Trump makes everything to the disaster of his electors – Trump only serves the upper ONE percent of USA – the ecologic balance under Trump goes to hell – The Corona management was worse as in China and Brazil----

But mind – Any other or future President will be worse as Trump!

However, this State of Affairs is a must for the entire globe - I want see USA disappear from the MAP forever.

Why Israel to destroy?

Where to begin with?

Let’s see the small LIST:

1. Israel is the reason for wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and for 9/11 for sure.

2. Israel destabilises the whole of politics of USA and governs that land by its Jews of Wall Street, City of London, WEF in Davos, Fed, Banks, Amazon, Facebook and the Jewish Silicon Valley of fools like Elon Musk with his bullshit TESLA cars.

3. The existence of Israel is worse as the Holocaust of Hitler and poor Hanswurst Eichmann: In fact, it will lead to 21 billion of dead folks due to neoliberal Jewish Economics worldwide, even in China, going down on his knees by losing great deal of exports and imports and being in fact already today bankrupt.

4. India with Modi did take Israel for example and creeps in the asshole of all Hindus and takes a program to let kill all Muslims within the next time.

5. Switzerland and 50 tax oases are trying to get all Elite billionaires of the Deep State of the globe to be completely tax-free, whereas the 99 percent of poor fools keep enslaved.

All this is the program of Jewish Chicago School and the fine Jewish Mont Pelerin bullshit just as well the Jewish Wall Street of AIPAC.

Now there are 50 further Shadows of Pale to be put forward - but beginning to grin myself to death, I can’t possibly continue in such way of TRUTH....

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur

written in August 2020

Bolton’s Intelligence and Effects

War-Gurgles as Bolton and Kissinger will never get that USA has spent billions for Wars and killing folks and at the same time, the Rich Class has not to pay taxes, infrastructure got rotten all around USA, the social life was going to hell for 50 percent of US idiots and health care and education got lost and being far behind any country, except Burkina Faso....

Such types like Bolton or Rumsfeld, GW Bush, JFK, Reagan and Greenspan and all Jews of Cash must be tortured to death – but there is no need, since USA is going down the drain --- right NOW!

There is no doubt that Bolton is one of the most intelligent analysists of USA - 10 times over Trump and the rest, except some other long-time insiders.

However, Types like Bolton see the world as a military destruction machinery and USA as the HERO of the world and not the most miserable State of all!

Instead of convincing all nations including USA that we are standing on the edge of self-destruction in all matters, idiots like Bolton believe in childish games of force and “advantage for national purposes”.

Exactly this view of the Earth will kill 21 billion folks before the year 2099 will have arrived....

Judgement about Bolton

Bolton is very intelligent, but an American oriented war gurgle and he has two sides:

- he is very dull in all matters concerning Venezuela, Israel, Iran, Ukraine, Iraq, the Middle East, North Korea, Syria, Afghanistan and all what fundamental matters are concerned. 

- he has zero knowledge in accounting, world financing, death of neoliberal Jewish systems and the craziness of the Republican Party.

- he is quite clever in matters of Putin and Russia and about discussing international affairs.

- he is a genius in matters of judgement of the nature of dull TRUMP and he is very great in measuring the Politics and Economic crimes of CHINA.

At the end it was good to have read his book, but Bolton as President would be the greatest catastrophe ever seen.


The Book of Donald Bolton proves that he crept in the assholes of the greatest right-wing Polit-Gangsters of all times:

- Hitler (if had the same US position in 1938), Reagan, Thatcher, Pinochet, Videla, Kissinger, Bolsonaro, Abe, Modi, Duterte, Greenspan, Schwab, Popper, Pinker, Friedman, Trump, Pompeo, Natan Juhu, Johnson, Rumsfeld, Cheney and worse.

Bolton is the typical representative of REPUBLICANS of USA - before they will never get any chance to be political important in the USA.

But the Hillary-Obama party of Democrats is not better as Republicans - perhaps even worse...

Future may show.

After having finished the reading, all I can say:

You will learn nothing more but how stupid the politicians, the executives, the experts and ministers are, how low their intellect is and that cripples and fraud junk like Trump or Reagan or Bush etc. can become the most important politicians of the globe, far below the “Deep State” in the European Sense:

Trump is absolutely without power. Alone the Rich Class, the big bankers and Jews and conglomerates dictate what is going on in the USA and most probably in any nation of the globe.