CEO - WEF - Big 6 - face Death soon

CEO - WEF - Top "Big 6" - Trump Skunks and Bankers - tortured to death? 
- WHY?

This is only just one of the major problems of neoliberalism, but one of the most effective:

- Top CEO - Top "Big 6" (PwC, EY, KPMG, Deloitte, Accenture, McKinsey) and top Jew Bankers and WEF participants should be arrested and tortured publically to death.

Only by this method, the followers of top cracks will make clear to solve such problems:

1. All conglomerates of the globe take advantage of tax heavens and by 1000 accounting and tax tricks, they would only pay Taxes on 5 percent of worldwide profits.

2. Same for all billionaires of the globe. They would not even pay taxes on private capital gains, realized and unrealized, on billions making their fortune of these privileged criminals - making one per mille of World POPS.

3. About 50 nations are short before bankruptcy because of immense debts and not getting taxes of the rich class - nations such as Japan, USA, China, Italy, Spain and most other lands, where the official State Debts are not truly shown and the debts of banks, conglomerates and uncovered mortgages are never shown by shadow banks and banks too big to fail.

To prevent the complete CRASH of World Finances any moment, drastic measures should be implemented - NOW.

Read my text about worldwide TAX FRAUD, with help of 50 tax oasis and 1000 accounting and tax tricks...

René Delavy - top accountant -  June 2019

TRUMP and all JUNK being responsible for crimes against nature, environment, future of humans and animals - and opting for fracking and for tax freedom in favour of the rich class and unique rights for mighty SKUNKS - shall be roasted to death - soon.


Politics and Crimes of international TAX FRAUD
by Big 4 - OECD - IRS - EU Commission and Switzerland 

OECD knows well that any tax agreement with Switzerland is not worth the paper of the contract:

1. Switzerland will NOT inform about criminal and illegal Tax Fraud they find, but deliver some indicatives of minor cases - as usual. The big matters will be hided to the disadvantage of all countries - USA and Europe and else.

2. But the major thing is, that 90 per cent of Tax Fraud and Evasion in Switzerland is based on LEGAL contracts with persons, companies, banks in the international field.

3. The huge Companies in Zug and Zurich and Geneva and else only show 10 per cent of international true Profits, the rest goes by constructions built by accounting firms in areas of zero to very low taxation. Plus some Privileges of tax-free time during starting years of profit generation. - It's known by Swiss, U.S., English and any Government of the Globe -- inclusive Tax Justice, OECD and IRS and Big 4 and all Accounting Firms and Tax Lawyers of the whole Globe.

4. In Switzerland, rich folks pay almost no taxes due to tax competition, capital gains and heritages not taxed, very low tax on dividends and special agreements of tax-freedom (example Glencore) over many years.

5. As in all nations, only Middle Class and Poor are forced to pay all taxes, without privileges, places and towns with high tax rates and overall controls on any sorts of income and fortune. The Rich Class did all to prevent high taxes with help of 50 Tax Oasis and international Tax Competition.

6. All deals in real estate were done by the Rich Class - worldwide - to great part with help of BLACK MONEY, to prevent high taxes on criminal affairs.

The whole is a Bluff of OECD, IRS, EU Commission and the Tax Paradises like Switzerland.

And now read the details:

René Delavy


The “BIG 6” are bankrupt!

But also bankrupt:

All Banks – Insurance – Rent Systems – Fed – IMF – ECB – USA – China – Japan – India and all other 200 nations.

Banks and insurance and all conglomerates have EQUITY of not 10 percent.

ASSETS are big shit in worthless Portefeuilles – Goodwill – TESLA -Bullshit  
but Trump States can never help, being DEAD themselves....

Don’t ask advice from TAX FRAUD SKUNKS – the “BIG 6”:

- PwC  (Pricewaterhouse – Coopers – Lybrand Lehman Brothers)
- EY   (Ernst Brothers – Arthur Young-Andersen)
- Deloitte  (Deloitte – Haskins – Sells – Touche – Ross Brothers)
- KPMG  (Klynfeld – Peat Marv – Main – Goerdeler Brothers)
- Accenture (Enron Arthur Andersen Bullshit)
- Mc Kinsey  (Amazon and Trump Tax Fraud advisers of New York)

Now, first USA goes down to hell and the rest –
together with tax-free Rich Class and Trump electors


Insider Report - IRS / EU -
Damage 100 Bio. Dollars (U.S. Trillions) from 1960 to 2018  

TAX FRAUD - Switzerland together with other Tax Paradises

Switzerland and other Tax Paradises abzocking the World -

There is no such thing, as LEGAL tax laws not being a crime, in favour of the rich Class, against the interests of Middle Class and the Poor. 

All legal and illegal Tax Fraud methods of Switzerland and else, are made to discharge the rich idiots by help of lawyers, accounting firms and tax experts. Finally, the average of folks are controlled to 100 per cent for income and pay ALL taxes, whereas the rich conglomerates, bankers, VIPs live free of charge and therefore are responsible for the trillion deficits of State USA, Europa, Japan etc. -

Stop the Crooks, or the 99 per cents will massacre these idiots in IRS, EU Commission, tax justice and Swiss 7 Dwarfs of Berne and of the tax authorities, handling with agreements in favour of the rich Class alone. This is the greatest injustice thinkable in this rotten world.

And now we go into the DETAILS:

Switzerland makes a distinction between "Steuerhinterziehung" (Tax EVASION) und "Steuerbetrug" (Tax FALSIFICATION).

The first is a worldwide CRIME but according to Swiss laws absolutely legal inside the Swiss borders - but the second, falsification, is meant to be the one real crime. In the rest of EU and most other Countries in the world, BOTH are a crime and there is no difference between evasion and falsification. And now, Switzerland, with its bank secrecy law and tax paradise mechanics, makes a terrible fuss about this matter of legacy, which is perfect Swiss 7 Dwarfs-style...

Now, I prove here that something like "Steuer-Hinterziehung" (tax evasion) does not exist at all in Switzerland. All together is just TAX FRAUD of criminals, wanted and dictated by all Governments of the Globe:

But first let's explain the nature of both expressions:

- Steuer-HINTERZIEHUNG: Deviation of taxes in disfavour of the nation, of the other folks, of middle class and poor - by the richest Chaps in all countries in the world.

- Steuer-BETRUG: Deviation of taxes, exactly like above, but on the basis of "falsified" documents, bookkeeping, annual accounts, methods, contracts and other matters, that could leave behind a TRACE in form of writing and signatures.

This is to say that in my view, the more cunning method is legal in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco and other Tax Paradises in our world ---- but the so-called criminal Tax-Swindle by DOCUMENTS is somehow honest, because we have a trace and have a chance to prove the criminal deed some time in future.

A so-called "Mixed Company" at Zug or any other town in Switzerland or Tax oasis, pay no taxes on 90 percent of world profits of conglomerates. On the rest, in Zug such companies pay only 4 percent (25 percent of cantonal taxes!!)

Now let's learn, what kind of methods are used in order to justify "Steuerbetrug" where Switzerland can only recognize some sort of nicest gentlemen's offence, called in this land: "Steuerhinterziehung".

1. An outside Swiss owned company (Holding, mixed-company, licence or manager fee device etc.) in Switzerland, owned by shareholders or other perpetrators of any nature, coming from Germany, France, England, USA, Russia or any other nation in the world, if established in Zug, Schwyz, Obwalden, Vaud, Zurich, Geneva and a lots of other local tax-paradises inside Switzerland is, according to Swiss bankers views ----- nothing but Steuer-Hinterziehung!

So a complete set of an established Company, with entries in trade registers, with bookkeeping, with annual statements and a lot of bankers, lawyers, auditors taking care of that curious thing ---- has nothing to do with falsified DOCUMENTS!!! My God, what else?

2. A Michael Schumacher or any other of thousands of Crooks, earning abroad millions or billions of cash, pay here in Switzerland on the basis of taxes on "Household costs" instead of real income, pay here perhaps less than one tenth of what would be payable in Germany, Italy, Spain, South Africa, China, India, Australia - in fact all lands of our Globe.

And this is (in Switzerland) NOT "Steuer-BETRUG", but only a legalized deviation of taxes!!! What a nice tricky Nixon matter we have here! EU Commission can't be so blind not to see the false scheme.

3. Thousands of financing companies for tax stealing, established by banks and their lawyers, Stiftungen and Anstalten in Liechtenstein, funds in Monaco, Singapore, Hong Kong, Cayman Islands, Bahamas and some other
50 tax paradises worldwide, funds being on Swiss banks, are NOT "Steuerbetrug"? Great!

4. I have seen thousands of vehicles for tax evasion, not only in Switzerland, but also in England, USA, Canada, all lands in Africa, South America and Asia, all being nothing else but very complex and sophisticated instruments to take profits from normal companies away and to have it administrated free of tax. And the whole system is covered by all Parliaments and Governments of the world, who are made by the richest Chaps in Industry, Financing, Consulting, Service Business, Oil and Gas, Armaments, Doping - in short, any market activity you could think of.

5. Another dirty Nixon-Trick would be: Lowering all taxes in Switzerland or elsewhere and to keep them on same low level for Swiss and EU-income. EU officials said, this could be an escape from present cheating situation of the Swiss Abzockers. What a shame! This would simply mean, further discharging the richest Skunks of richness, and socializing the heavy tax charges to middle-class and poor, by asking for more money from them by other ways (value-added tax, lower social help, less participation in health care etc. etc.). This was done in Germany, France, England, USA - in fact in almost all nations, which protected the rich scrap and let pay the poor for those criminals' deeds.


We have to learn from the above matter, that some Mafia-systems, in thousands of presentations, are not outside jobs of a few nice guys in Sicily or Chicago. It is the usual, worldwide valid Friedman style of capitalism, as installed in any land, with their oligarchic constructions - of which the Russian one is only the most visible and stupid one, since artificially created by Yeltsin-Putin with help of U.S. Chicago Boys.

It is about time that all Middle Class and Poor, paying all charges for countries to be working in infrastructure, old age insurance, health care, agriculture, education, water and electricity, trains and mailing systems, in short all activities in favour of social life and to secure the future generations, that all these over 95 percent of folks wake up and send all parliaments and governments, based on a worldwide Shock Super-Capitalism, in the desert.

We have now a downfall of all stock exchanges, banks, financial devices, established during decenniums by Abzockers in all those companies and institutions, and now they cry, after taken all the profit for years from the ordinary folks, for FED and national banks to cover the losses, the richest chaps have taken away, tax-free for most part of these unjustified profits.

And again the Middle class and Poor don't understand that they are financing with their savings and old age money the tricky mafia billions deals of the richest Junk-VIP of this world who have been covered by most Chiefs of State, ministers, officials in their NGOs with well-known names like Worldbank, IMF, FED, WEF of Davos, 7 Dwarfs in Berne, all right-wing parliaments and governments, worshiping the principles of Milton Friedman, Friedrich von Hayek, Joseph Schumpeter, Karl Popper, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, GW Bush and all other arse-creepers.

They never took care for the savings and interests of their folks, otherwise we would today not be sitting on a time-bomb and be in a position to see going down the drain all Stock Exchanges, Banks and later on Insurances, Old age funds and finally bankrupt nations, one by one, of which USA and China will be ones of the first to tumble in the Orcus.

Still questions, dear friends? You do not deserve my comments. Since 30 years I write in my scripts that this would be the end of super cynical capitalism, and it needed the downfall of socialism in Russia, China, India and other places, the drying out of Africa and South and Central America and most of poor lands, before the rotted fruits came to light.

And now it is too late for corrections, unless the folks' fortune of Middle class and Poor is thrown in the wind for ever and ever….