USA = Bullshit Trumpism
Dullest Chiefs of State
Dullest Chiefs of State
Criminal TRUMP will be fired, when it's far too late for any death prevention - US Idiots!
We have the worst Nation
of all on our globe, a rotten State - beginning in New York and ending in Los
First DIE the old idiots - then go down the young Trump electors in a second wave!
Trump, Obama and Bush
destroyed the Chances and Health Care for 50 percent of Amis - the poor ones. But now, the
criminal TRUMP takes advantage from this MISERY of USA by promising to open the
dead market again in April 2020... (Andrew Cuomo to come!)
The worst und most criminal
man of the globe, Donald Trump, a pig and stupid person, was elected by 80
percent of Amis (including the non-voters) – just to destroy USA and the whole
And US military forces must kill TRUMP and all of his dirty idiots around the White House, otherwise USA goes down the drain for all times!
Trump Politics:
99 Percent of US State Help in Cash go to Trump-Banks, Trump-Conglomerates and Rich tax-free Class – and nothing to the POOR CLASS of USA. Same goes for all Western Lands!
And US military forces must kill TRUMP and all of his dirty idiots around the White House, otherwise USA goes down the drain for all times!
Trump Politics:
99 Percent of US State Help in Cash go to Trump-Banks, Trump-Conglomerates and Rich tax-free Class – and nothing to the POOR CLASS of USA. Same goes for all Western Lands!
The stupid masses of
middle and poor class are going to hell for good reasons, because they accepted
the crimes of the Jewish bankers, saved on account of Trump types they elected,
turning down infrastructures, social care, health and studying costs of all
neoliberal SHIT STATES!
And now about the Beginning of the End of Humanity in the 21st Century:
mass of middle and poor class of US Americans were made so dull by their
political parties and their elite – not to know:
The State Cash from
taxes paid by ordinary people were invested in military, wars, arms, and bank
crashes and rich class interests, whereas nothing went in social and health
care, infrastructure, salaries of workers and employees and those were weakened
by neoliberalism - to see them dying on the street when some pandemic of TRUMP
rushes over all the rotten „Cities on the golden hill“.
the profits of conglomerates and banks went to managers and shareholders and
the rich class and the US laws allowed them and to conglomerates almost paying
no taxes.
The CORONA Virus may have come from China, but the worst politics of them all in 200 nations - were seen in the USA.
Now what is going to
1. USA will have most of sick folks in hospitals and death of the world - perhaps overtaken by India.
1. USA will have most of sick folks in hospitals and death of the world - perhaps overtaken by India.
2. The economics of USA
and all Stock Exchange will go in a total crisis, 100 times higher as 9-11 and
Crash 1929 plus 2008 together.
3. The Health system of
USA is the worst of all lands and the people will die like flies on the street.
4. The social matters
and help in USA are a joke - and a breakdown within the next 2 weeks (from 21.3.20
onwards) is assured.
5. We will see some 100
million of idiots out of jobs and getting nothing from any source.
6. Hopefully - taken
the 300 Mio. of guns in USA – they will massacre the perpetrators, the bankers,
the Trumps, the stinking tax-free Rich Class and all Media houses of bullshit,
including Washingpost and Murdoch and Fox TV and Bloomberg and Zuckerberg and
7. The disaster will be
without end, the amounts given by Fed and other junk will not help, since all banks,
insurances, rent systems etc. are already bankrupt today.
8. Any matters of
Culture and elections of bullshit will go down the drain and the top justice
idiots and “BIG 6” of Accounting and Tax Fraud should be eliminated for all times.
This text could be
written for almost all states, governed by right-wing idiots like Modi, Natan
Juhu, Bolsonaro and other criminal and corrupt persons and VIPs of lost global folks
of idiots.
And comes the collapse
in climate in addition and gone-out water and sand and the rest – this is
the END of the World – Idiots.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written on March 22,
Most murdering Nations
with the dullest Chiefs of State - touched strong before May:
- Trump/USA –
Modi/India – Bolsonaro/Brazil - Obrador/Mexico – Duterte/Philippines -
Widodo/Indonesia – Erdogan/Turkey – Lukashenko/Belarus - Johnson/England – and some other crooks
with incapable Idiots on top of the rotten State! May be, Putin does as usual the right thing...
Trump Politics: 99 Percent of US State Help in Cash go to
Trump-Banks, Trump-Conglomerates and Rich tax-free Class – and nothing to the
POOR CLASS of USA. Same goes for all Western Lands!
“Making America great again”
Trump is in fact the most stupid President of all times –
even worse as Hitler or Stalin or Mao - and he did most to ruin USA and bring
down to total breakdown forever.
But the facts are worse:
It was JFK who started the destruction of USA by his wars
in Vietnam and else - wanting to be the best bloody Empire of the world and
giving any freedom to the financial area of the AIPAC and WEF-Jews at Wall Street and City of
The real crook was Ronald Reagan, increasing defence
(attack costs) and taking over the criminal Thatcherism and Popperism of
Neoliberalism, this was the start to have more artificial wealth in shit papers
as real ones. Ronald was the most stupid President of the world – before Trump.
Clinton Bill and Hillary increased the idea that by doing nothing
in cleverness, each Ami could get rich, when only the richest idiots and
bankers and Jews in fact got rich, tax-free in fact, also their conglomerates
by dirty tax laws worldwide.
GW Bush was just an extremely stupid man without any brains
and by his wars against the justified 9-11 events, done in Iraq and
Afghanistan, he prepared the downfall not only of USA, but of the whole world.
The fact that all Presidents accepted the incredible crimes of China in growing,
when all idiotic conglomerates outsourced 90 percent of industry, it was clear
to me that the great CRASH would come any moment.
Obama, this dirty nigger, just gave to the rich and Jews
and banks some 4 trillion Dollars to save the dirty crooks and did nothing to
lower army costs and become decent and normal. He protected the rich class and
kicked in the ass of the poor.
When Donald Duck, sorry, Trump, the greatest criminal and
ruin human of USA and bluffer, pretended to “make America great again”, I was sure
long before election that this man is the coffin nail to USA. Artificially he
increased the crazy values of stock exchanges, 10 times over real values of
banks and conglomerates, lowered the taxes for the rich class and did nothing
for his electors. It was just a question, not IF, but WHEN his land will fall
to hell – and it was from 1st January 2020 onwards. Already by May
2020, we will see an Empire dead and liquidated.
But at the same time, we see at the bottom some China,
India, Europe, Middle East and the rest.
It was fine be living in a world - where all my predictions
in literature became true.
Making my Life great again!!
René Delavy
Alternatives to DEATH
There are idiots in politics like all right-wing junk such as Trump, Abe, Bolsonaro, Obrador, Duterte etc. They made errors that will kill millions of folks.
But what is true, is the following:
We have the choice to kill people per economics and its collapse -- or by the illness itself.
Seeing that the folks above 65 years are in risk (about 15 percent of old people), the best could have been to isolate those elder masses and let free the rest.
But considering the unknown effects of such politics, I like the present style, killing the rotten US folks all - plus their Trump economics of Ronald Reagan and Thatcher and Milton Friedman under direction of Karl Popper....
China ist wie viele Nationen total abhängig zum Überleben und die Wirtschaft von Exporten und Importen. Fallen diese weg, verrecken solche Staaten innerhalb von Monaten und eine Revolution fegt die ganze Drecksbande des DEEP STATE hinweg auf immer - die “Mad Max” Welt wird Wirklichkeit!
Und jetzt kann das Spiel beginnen..... - auch mit einigen toten Staatschefs und CEO
Meine Wunschliste des Todes an Corona-Opfer –
Alternatives to DEATH
There are idiots in politics like all right-wing junk such as Trump, Abe, Bolsonaro, Obrador, Duterte etc. They made errors that will kill millions of folks.
But what is true, is the following:
We have the choice to kill people per economics and its collapse -- or by the illness itself.
Seeing that the folks above 65 years are in risk (about 15 percent of old people), the best could have been to isolate those elder masses and let free the rest.
But considering the unknown effects of such politics, I like the present style, killing the rotten US folks all - plus their Trump economics of Ronald Reagan and Thatcher and Milton Friedman under direction of Karl Popper....
Secession in USA
As a result of the paranoid politics of TRUMP and Republicans,
the East and West Coast States and some northern States of USA will force a
SECESSION into the land as a result of the Corona-Catastrophe.
Might be that the southern and central States would start such a process, but USA will fall into pieces soon and never recover. This EMPIRE is DEAD.
Might be that the southern and central States would start such a process, but USA will fall into pieces soon and never recover. This EMPIRE is DEAD.
Nations to fall
Some nations will not survive the effects of Corona
and droughts and over-population and rotten politics of crazy chiefs of State –
which are:
- India - Brazil – Mexico – Turkey – Indonesia – USA
and most probably China and Japan.
It’s just a question of TIME and such nations are damned
New York – Washington – Los Angeles – San Francisco – Miami – New Orleans –
Chicago – Detroit – Las Vegas – Mexico City - Sao Paulo – Rio de Janeiro – Cairo
- Addis Ababa – Johannesburg - Lagos – Luanda – Greece Camps and Islands – Teheran
- Mumbai – Delhi – Jakarta – Bali – Manila – Bangkok – Hong Kong - Seoul – Tokyo
– Moscow – Dhaka – Istanbul – Bagdad – Minsk etc. – all Mega-Cities
China ist wie viele Nationen total abhängig zum Überleben und die Wirtschaft von Exporten und Importen. Fallen diese weg, verrecken solche Staaten innerhalb von Monaten und eine Revolution fegt die ganze Drecksbande des DEEP STATE hinweg auf immer - die “Mad Max” Welt wird Wirklichkeit!
Und jetzt kann das Spiel beginnen..... - auch mit einigen toten Staatschefs und CEO
Hitparade of the greatest
Corona-Assholes of the globe
We can now find out, WHO was
the greatest assholes of all times – in times of Corona-Collapse with millions
of dead folks:
1. Trump – USA – This
greenhorn is the most stupid politician of all times, worse as Hitler and
Stalin and Pinochet or Thatcher. He was so stupid not to know what was going on
in China, when all his newspapers and experts and CIA knew any detail already
mid-January 2020. Trump must be killed.
2. Modi – India – This
hinduist Junk of religion, said until late in March: We have no problem,
Hindu-Allah will save our folks. But India will see more as 5 million dead
folks and as a result from economic fall-down some 50 million.
3. Johnson – Duterte - Widodo –
Putin – Erdogan and other junk like Bolsonaro. They pretended that there would
be nothing, the right-wing politics of their stupid nation would protect
everybody. Now count the explosion of killed persons by their Chiefs of State.
4. Sweden: they make a trial
in favour of economics. Such as Japan, Korea or China, there is no win for such
idiocy, since all those broken lands are dependent on the others - and will
kick the bucket soon. The economic disaster will exceed the rest by 500
5. African Shit of Chiefs
said: Believe in local junk religion, in blackness and niggerness and warlords
and low figures, to say in IQ of Elite, when their slums will explode and
revolution kick the arses of the boss Champion of South Africa, Nigeria,
Tanzania and other and even worse of big Shit.
Still questions – stupids?
Still questions – stupids?
Meine Wunschliste des Todes an Corona-Opfer –
der Blödheit von Staatschefs:
1. Indien - Modi
USA - Trump
Brasilien - Bolsonaro
Indonesien - Widodo
Mexiko - Obrador
Türkei - Erdogan
England - Johnson Brexit
Philippinen - Duterte
Russland - Putin
10. Schweden und Belarus und andere Idioten
geführt von Trumpisten
Millionen Toten aus dem CRASH der Weltfinanzen und der Weltwirtschaft verteilen
sich nach der Bevölkerungszahl der Nationen und deren Grad an Misere und Armut
und Katastrophe des Sozialwesens im Land.
– Machbarkeits- und Lustigkeits-Fanatismus
Welt verreckt seit längster Zeit am Fanatismus der Finanz-Juden, der Neoliberalisten
der USA, der Utilitaristen von England und dem Lustigkeitsfaktor des Silicon-Valley
mit Facebook, Apple, Twitter, Airbnb, Call Centers und anderem Mist einer
grauenhaften Lustigkeit der Zukunft.
am Anfang einer Milliarden-Katastrophe kommen sie wieder, die jungen Arschlöcher
mit ihren APPS und wollen Milliarden Idioten überwachen und machen auf
Lustigkeits-Spiele, damit es den Kindern, den Jungen, den Me Too Weibern und
anderen hirnlosen Idioten nicht langweilig wird während dem Verrecken aufgrund
eines fundamentalen DILEMMAS:
man hebt den SH(U)OTDOWN auf und eine riesige Menge an Leuten verrecken
man führt den Tod der Wirtschaft zu Ende und es geht in den Tod des Kapitalismus,
des Neoliberalismus von Karl Popper, Milton Friedman, Trump, Obama, Thatcher,
Reagan, Pinochet und andere Schweine der Wall Street und City of London-Dreckstypen
aus Las Vegas, wo eigentlich das grosse Verrecken stattfinden sollte,
zusätzlich zu New York, Beijing, Mumbai, Jakarta, Mexico-City, Istanbul,
London, Moskau, Seoul, Johannesburg, Lagos, Luanda, Cairo, Bali, Tokio, Hong
Kong, Singapore und Lucerne oder Venice – Arschlöcher.
weiter mit Lustigkeit, mit Machbarkeit, mit Wachstum von Reiermann und der
Besten aller Welten von Pinker und Mingels.
– ich will es endlich lustig haben und habe „GOTT“ den Auftrag gegeben, die
Dosis noch zu steigern und die Jungen unter 65 Alter auch noch in den Sarg zu
zwingen im Jahr 2020 – und zwar sehr, sehr bald.
die Quittung der Verdammnis meiner Literatur seit 1975 – Hirnlose!
der Reichen
selbst besitze ein Schloss mit Park an der Côte d’Azur und bin reich.
alle Idioten aus Deutschland und der Juden-Schweiz in ihre Feriendomizils in
den Alpen oder am Meer wollen, ist ein Zeichen der Gesamtverblödung der Reichsten,
die Eigentum vor Recht und Verstand setzen und die nie Steuern leisteten auf Billionen Dollar an Kapitalgewinnen seit 1960.
Man muss die Rich Class ermorden.
Ich selbst verzichte auf Ferien und verdamme die Dummen – vergeblich.....
Ich selbst verzichte auf Ferien und verdamme die Dummen – vergeblich.....