Ultimatum of February 4, 2021:
USA and NATO must within one month remove all atom rockets from Europa and borders of Russia.
Without any value for USA is Robert Mueller, this paranoid CIA and FBI Idiot.
"House of Trump - House of Putin"
Since 1990, I prove in all my texts how Donald Trump is involved in any crime, tax fraud, Russian Finance industry, more as any other American ever.
Ein Beispiel: Es wurde nie aufgeklärt, dass es bei Donald Duck, sorry, Trump, NIE darum ging, ob er ein Spitzel von PUTIN sei, sondern allein ob er so kriminell war und verblödet, um fähig zu sein, über 50 Prozente einer gemeinen Affenbande wie die US Amerikaner in ein Abenteuer zu zwingen, wo schliesslich alle Länder daran verrecken werden.
Worst Crimes of the World
KGB-FSB - Putin - Trump
boring and dull DOC of TV ARTE about the crimes of KGB, the Russian secret
service, seemed to say that no nation ever committed more crimes as the KGB,
the miserable killers of Hitler once taken out.
is a damn lie and I can prove what really went on since 1917 on our platform:
The Crimes of KGB
is sure that millions were killed by KGB on order of Lenin, Stalin and all the
way by powerful idiots up to Gorbi.
was no reason for such terrorism, and is it is just what happened under any
religion and ideology, in China, India, Arabia, Europe, South America, Israel
or USA.
ever there is an idiot in power who guesses or assumes to have some sort of
unbelievers or terrorists against his bloody idea such as the neoliberalism,
there follows human crimes against human rights - since about 3000 years.
the number of victims increased ever more, having some peak in Vietnam and
Iraq, but in fact, humans were never such crazy as compared to animals that we
are today on the track to total global destruction, not only by the atom bomb.
is sure that KGB found ways to know all secrets about the US atom bomb, but
think what would have happened if shitty USA would have got the total power
The Crimes of Putin
is clear that today, Putin has all the necessary power over KGB and killed many
folks inside Russia and even outside. Whoever tried to get him away from power,
just learnt what would have and actually have done Nixon, JFK, Clinton, Bush,
Obama and Trump for the same cause...
think of the following FACTS:
How would Russia look like without some person like Putin? His politics was the
best such country should have seen. By full democrazy, Russia would be at the
bottom - such as China would find itself very soon.
Who limited the crimes of the Oligarchs and did take care in fact, that by
taxes some of the Wealth of those idiots gone to England and USA, would stay
within the country?
Who took back the Crimea and limited the terror of Chechnya and helped the
Russian part of Ukraine to get some rights, after the crimes of right-wing
idiots on the Maidan Place?
Who limits today the power of criminal USA to take whatever they want by their
imperial power - they are losing very soon?
Putin may be a calculator, but at least he is not as foolish as were Thatcher,
Reagan and Trump.
to state that Putin killed nice people and may have a terrible character, but
this is not sufficient to wish him to
The Crimes of the US
land committed more crimes since 1945 as god-damned USA under JFK, Nixon, Ford,
Carter, the 2 Bushes, Clinton, Obama and worst of all - Trump, this crazy idiot
who committed any crime in casinos, real estate, financed by Russians, becoming
President by hero of Putin and Robert Mueller, tax fraud in all corners and
being more stupid as any of his workers in the Rust Belt.
the crimes of USA:
Killing all socialists in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and
20 other Nations in South and Middle America.
Killing millions of communists, innocent people, in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia
and other lands with their workers and families all over the word.
Not preventing the atom war two times, when the button was on the edge to be
pressed in Soviet Union, only prevented by Russian officers and the KGB in both
cases, otherwise we would no longer exist today.
Helping Japan and China to copy all technologies from the west, such destroying
by cheap slave production any industry in USA and Europe and seeing today, how
Japan, China, India and the rest will go down the drain, one reason seeing
billions of debts and rotten lands in all parts of the globe.
Destroying all hopes of the poor part of the world, also in Africa by IMF and
Worldbank, reaching very soon 99 percent of all folks, by the Jewish influence
in finance, economy, destruction of resources, oceans, lands and the ecology
situation on a planet, condemned to DEATH.
the Amis as worst racists of all times, brought millions of Niggers from Africa
to USA and instead of giving rights, the lynched some hundred thousands without
any reason like Hitler did with some Jews.
The Worst crimes ever
under Trump
fact the worst criminals of the globe were USA, Israel and Switzerland, killing
today the future of 25 billion people, living on this Earth, until all will have gone by 2099:
Switzerland found the tax fraud scheme in favour of the richest persons and
conglomerates, helping such that 90 percent of profits are never taxed, what is
the source of some gigantic debts, that can never more be paid back and leads
to the bankruptcy of 200 nations - soon.
Switzerland killed one million of Jews by rejecting a huge number from the
borders and being responsible for killed Jews in 1944 to 1945, by helping
extend the War of Hitler by one year, being the banker and deliverer of arms to
Germany from 1939 to 1945.
Israel is the destroyer number one of the world at present times: First the
Swiss did all to this purpose with the Mont Pelerin Society over Montreux und
the WEF in Davos. But without the Jews of Israel, USA and the rest, never we
would have got this deathly neoliberalism, that made some criminals very rich
and tax-free and the rest of 99 percent
goes down the drain just now forever.
USA have committed all crimes as mentioned above, and allowed until today to
Jewish banks the crimes that will make tumble like a House of Cards the
worldwide system of banking and Hedge funds and destroy all money, middle class
and poor had put on side, when the billionaires were never taxed and increased
all debts of 200 Nations, when Conglomerates and the rich class prevent taxes
on capital gains and their corporate world profits.
We can see now how US folks with shit in their brains get some Crook like
Donald in power with help pf the Russian idiots around Putin, such accelerating
the death coming in ecology, missing resources and sand, dying from missing
water and the worldwide effect of the GRETA-idiocies in ecology, where some 10
billion of idiots will soon have zero chances to survive at all.
remember - in Russia some Jews developed the "24 Protocols of Wisdom of
Zion" and this was never a Conspiracy. In fact, Chicago School of Jew
Milton Friedman and other 100 Jews, AIPAC, Fed, US government, Israel and WEF
introduced in front of all eyes the theories of Neoliberalism in the World -
and today the Jews have all Richness and Power over our globe - and the rest
can die soon.
Thousands of children and females disappear and are tortured over hours to death for "Snuff-films", put on Facebook and You Tube - and you pretend, we are living in a fine world and Silicon Valley and the NET were a progress - just go to Auschwitz.
tell me, that the major criminals came out of KGB or the offices of Putin, and
you will be the greatest genius ever seen on Earth - poor idiot.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on April 10, 2017
Neoliberalism of the
The Rich get richer -
and the 99 Percent go down the Drain
Conglomerates and banks and rich individuals do not pay taxes on 90 percent of
their profits, because of tax fraud, legal and illegal, this is some of the
worst crimes.
Conglomerates must be forced to pay high taxes on 100 percent of real and
controlled world profits.
the rich Crooks should pay 50 percent of Taxes worldwide on capital gains,
today not charged at all, so to give to States something back and reduce their
immense debts.
The losses of fortune does not mean to pay anything back to rich crooks. It was without reason, they got rich on account of the poor masses, when stealing all resources, raw material, lands, grounds, sand, oil, water, cash - for nothing - and not being brought to Auschwitz in the gas for their Crimes....