3 billion to perish

3 billion dead until 2050


Well, you may ignore this – but you may be dead soon. 

We have no water anymore under the ground and droughts will do the rest.

And so - 3 billion will perish under at most terrible conditions in the next future and try to get north or other area with water. 

Only Canada or Russia could take over some Millions – forget some billions of India, China or Africa to go north – and this is valid for all times to come. 

This humanity is condemned to die – see my “10Commandments of death”. 

First to die: 

- Whole of Africa - India - Pakistan – Israel – California and Texas etc. – Mexico - Brazil - the whole of Middle East – Iran – Iraq – Great parts of China – Central Asia – Australia – Spain – Portugal - parts of Middle Europe etc. 

There is no chance to change anything to the situation. 

In addition comes that about 60 % of percent of pops have no drinkable water anyway. 

You are just not going to get it and die soon – Idiot – and this is best news - I predicted it since 1975 in all books…. 

René Delavy - Côte d’Azur 

written in August 2024

Wir reden ja viel über Wasser. Ich hoffe nur, dass deine Quelle im Piemont tut…. 

Drei Abende eine DOK über Wassermangel. Hab einen englischen Text im Netz. 

Nur kurz – verloren sind: 

  • Indien – Pakistan – Iran – Arabien - Mexiko – Kalifornien – Andalusien – eigentlich ganz Afrika – China – der Süden ganz allgemein. 

Etwa 10 Experten meinten, dass man schlafe und die Katastrophe des Jahrhundert für Milliarden nicht sehen will….


China ist TOT 

Eigentlich ist China mal überschuldet mit 300 Billionen (trillions of Dollars). 

Doch in China ist nicht nur der Staat tot, sondern auch die Banken, die Konzerne, die Individuen, alle Immobilienbesitzer und daraus folgt der Tod in Import und Export und kurz- China ist tot. Wer sich auf Geld verlässt – ist tot. 

Wenn China tot ist, dann ist auch USA tot.

Beim Tod der USA ist automatisch die EU tot und dann die gesamte Welt. 

Dies alles ist nicht schlimm, denn: 

Am Klimakollaps und Wassermangel wären ohnehin alle Staaten verreckt und so haben die Chinesen und Jinping wenigstens eine gute Ausrede, die USA seien schuld, was ja auch stimmt. Es waren die neoliberalen Juden! 


Humanity goes down the Drain

We all are DEAD 


You skunk may believe, the greatest problem of today may be the war provoked by NATO against Russia? 

Forget such bullshit. 

The whole humans will die in the next future from missing


Climate Collapse will produce very fast even greater droughts worldwide - and fracking and other bullshit destroys the soils and drinkable water. 

Each ton of oil burnt or of gas or coal will increase very fast the climate collapse, resulting in lack of water. 

So the production of electricity by Water power stations and AKW atom power stations will become impossible. 

For wind and solar power, we will find that the material for such stupidity of Musk gets out. 

Finally, nourishment gets out all over, because without water forget any mass production by farmers.

Further we will see very soon immense droughts over China, India, USA, South of Europe and lacking water at any place on the globe. 

Already today, Africa and the whole South of the planet gets down the drain, before the dirty Jews of FINANCE produce the End of banks, money becoming worthless and all nations getting in bankruptcy and we see economy getting in CRAZE as proven by my genial 

“Philosophie der Realität – Alltag des Wahns”  

Now all woods will burn soon even in Brazil and Sibiria and the general atom war is becoming possible any time. 

And this is just the PEAK of the fine human Iceberg of NUTS under the explosion of POPS going on since 100 years. 

You are DEAD and deserve it! 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written in March 2023 



World-Problem WATER

You know by now that Finance Collapse will be a fact by 2020.

The World-Economy Crash will be ended by 2025.

And the ecologic Time-bomb will have eliminated most of folks by 2050.

Insert in German:

Bis 2050 werden grosse Teile der Menschheit in allen Nationen an Wassermangel verrecken, an Dürren, Verbrauch des Grundwassers und am Klimaschock - und eine Lösung oder Plan B wird es niemals geben.

But let’s restrict the problem here to



It is right that criminal Companies like Nestle and other private companies looking for water in bottles or for the supply in Mega-Towns are pure Thatcherism and such CEO and WEF idiots must be killed.

One does not make profit on water. To get shareholder-value is comparable to the Crimes by the Auschwitz-Jews with Derivatives on Wall Street.

There is no point seeing destroyed the water supply by private idiots without any ethics.


Are States the better suppliers of Water?

Bullshit – Governments are not concerned about their folks but about the richest class, when financing corrupt and rotten and swinish politics. In other words, the States will destroy any country-side for electricity, fracking, killing the planet for cash and let get out any resources of water under any mega-town of the Globe.

On next drought, China or India etc. can just consider to be dead by numbers.

Pure and drinkable water is a human right, apparently, but it shall never more function in the future.

The Truth about WATER

The Truth is that with 7 billion and more of idiots on this globe, we shall have less and less of groundwater. The Crimes of governments to let explode the folks on Earth over the number of 2 billion had the natural result to kill humanity. It’s only dependent on a factor of TIME.

Further the good water was spoiled in all rivers and lakes and under ground and the development goes in direction of having soon no water to drink at all.

But the greatest Problem will be the Climate-Collapse to come, bringing gigantic dryness and droughts all over all nations of our Planet, due to the crimes of the Rich Class and their governments of “Dictatorship of dull Majorities” – but this is too high for your intellect – stupid.

And so there is no doubt, that missing WATER will be one of the most important nails to the coffin of humanity. Our system kills in principle great masses of folks by 2050, but for sure the rest of humanity by 2099.

Still some questions? Ask them to your idiot - Obama bin Laden. He knows ALL about our World-Theatre and the bankruptcy of USA – idiots.

René Delavy – Berlin and Bournemouth

Written on May 20, 2013