Timothy Snyder - Tyranny USA

Timothy Snyder - "On Tyranny"


The famous book of Timothy Snyder - "On Tyranny - 20 lessons from the 20th century" is intellectual bullshit and can be thrown in the toilet.

Here my comments to his 20 lessons:


Lesson 1: No Duty of Obedience

Since thousands of years, the masses follow the big heads of power and richness and fulfil all wishes of those criminal murderers. To hope that this fact can be changed, is craziness.

Lesson 2: Defend institutions

Snyder - you are nuts: All governments, all politicians, all judges and all rich folks of the Deep State, as the only valid institution, want wars, torture, destruction of humanity and our planet and do all against interests of the 99 percent. This ongoing affair will never be changed.

Lesson 3: Watch out of nations with one-party

Take USA who have two political parties of exactly the same program, some shit what never did anything but kill millions of folks in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chile, Argentina etc. They dictated all African States the rules of self-destruction and made China great again and Russia at the edge of a justified Atomic attack. All political shit in 200 nations follow the Jewish death of neoliberalism, killing our planet and environment.

Lesson 4: Take global Responsibility

This was done by the rich and mighty class, all the time. The result is a dying world, poverty and injustice all over, tax-freedom for billionaires and conglomerates and the Jewish idiocy of Silicon Valley and some Murdoch Media of biggest pops bullshit ever. Timothy - go home!

Lesson 5: Think of honour in any Profession

In one of my texts, I proved that ALL professions of the globe just advance progress of death, growth of bullshit, explosion of pops and craziness of cash over any other principle. Therefore, forget just any value about what folks should do by destroying professions.

Lesson 6: Be careful about paramilitary Forces

Clear to be careful of the police forces of TRUMP and his military killers in 50 States and Israel atomic war in the Middle East and any power of State in USA and else. The supervision of all folks is not only in China achieved, but with help of Murdoch, Zuckerberg, Bezos and other Jews worldwide. The 99 percent are just food for the "Deep State" of Crooks.

Lesson 7: Be full of Worries when having a gun in the Pocket

In USA any children has 10 guns and other arms and soon they run around like in the Capitol on 6 January 2021 und kill each other for good. There is some hope for the rest of humans, that by the end all AMIS shall be dead and out.

Lesson 8: Set signs

We have stupid signs with each government and NGO. They try to bring weapons and arms and water and food and some dirty cash to those who kill each other and allow such the growth to 10 billion of dirty humans, having killed our financial, economic and ecologic world since 1975.

Lesson 9: Be kind to your Language

Great - just like FOX TV and other shit of Trump or the lies and fake of Obama, when, in the nicest words ever, the Jews of Wall Street and the Rich Class were rescued by 20 trillion Dollars of debts of middle class and poor and such the CRASH of all banks and stock exchanges of tomorrow were prepared and the total breakdown can start any time.

Lesson 10: Believe in Truth

This is the greatest point! We hear fake and lies from ALL politicians, CEO, bankers, scientists, writers and other Shit about our reality and future - and such horses of craze still want nice language and "Truth" from Trump populists and Murdoch TV and Papers.

Lesson 11: Ask again and check all

What about? The effects of tyrants like Trump, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Reagan, Thatcher, Kissinger, Greenspan, Cheney, Milton Friedman, WEF Schwab, Modi, Abe, Obama Nigger, Blocher, Jews, Deep State, Silicon Valley, Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Glasenberg, Wall Street Crooks, von das Leyen, Merkel, AIPAC, Murdoch - et j'en passe!

Lesson 12: Take eye-contact and palaver with else

My God: Should I palaver with Timothy of Blythe Masters or the crooks of all Stock Exchanges, accepting values by factor 10 higher than real company values? Should I file Lawsuits with accusations against Tax Fraud of billionaires and conglomerates with EGMR, WTO, OECD, IRS and worse? Eye-Contact to God or Allah under Burkas?

Lesson 13: Practice physic Politics

Gain new Friends!  Should I win Timothy as friend, in 10 days I would be just as stupid as this rotten guy.

Lesson 14: Have a private Life

Not possible with all this "Fiches" in Switzerland and overall control by all private Silicon Valley shit. We are slaves of consumption in order to kill the whole planet before 2099. Any other option?

Lesson 15: Engage for good Matters

My God:  Bringing food and water to those who were brought near death by USA in Africa, Asia, Syria or Slums of New York under the Trump Virus? Whoever wanted to kill the Jews of finances would not even start trying, before he or she would be dead and out.

Lesson 16: Learn from Idiots with same Brains

Hohoooo - get acquainted with friends in distance of 10000 miles and visit them by cruise ships or planes each week and have fine talks. What the hell is new about this lesson?

Lesson 17: Mind of dangerous Words

Well, listen to Trump or Murdoch or any politicians or banker or scientist and forget about this death-wish, when God nearby is applauding on his balcony for destruction of humans by pandemics.

Lesson 18: Be silent when the great catastrophes and CRASH come

What other chance would a dirty humanity have? Explain!

Lesson 19: Be patriotic!

My God, all the types mentioned earlier WERE patriotic and how! To demand other idiots to believe in the golden town on the hill at sunset is some US bullshit. It started with the destruction of our Earth, when USA started to exist.

Lesson 20: Be full of courage - if possible

Idiot, I was full of courage a lifetime without any result since idiots like you have done ALL to make disappear my texts and books from the MAP of our globe. 

Timothy - go to hell, together with all Trump Fans and Murdoch Clans of our Earth!

Renée Delavy - Côte d'Azur

written on February 17, 2021