Sources of US Empire CRASH


Sources of CRASH of the US Empire


There is no interest about the question, why the US Empire is on the edge of tumbling to death in the near future.

The whole of our capitalistic and neoliberal world is on the way to be destroyed in the sense of my text "10 Commandments of Death".


However, for the nation of USA it is best to demonstrate, what is happening in our world just now.


1. The Jews

Not all of the Jews, but those who have delivered the theories for the deathly neoliberalism with banks and conglomerates, that are on the way, not only to drive all nations and the finance industry and the masses in a terrifying bankruptcy and downfall of the worldwide economy, but in fact, the Jews were behind more than any other racists in the construction of an atom bomb and a finance system that will not break alone the neck of the US Empire, but also of China, India, Japan, Europe and the rest of humanity.


2. The Deep State

The Deep State in fact is not the one, Trump or the Republicans meant. The Deep State represents the power of the richest and tax-free Class of mighty and rich folks, who can commit any crime without seeing any governments, parliaments or judges to prevent the disasters, emanating from these crimes. The true power in USA (and all nations) is not with the Trump President or Obama and other crooks, but with the Skunks of Power represented by the billionaires and the biggest companies in the world, who destroy nature, environment and our money for all times to come.


3. US Presidents

There was never any decent President in USA, except perhaps of Lincoln and Carter. The worst Shit ever seen were Reagan, Trump, Bush, Obama and Hillary Clinton as all the rest of US Presidents. They not only let kill all Red Indians and the Nigger Slaves from Africa, but about 20 millions of folks in Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Chile and Argentina and 50 other States - without ever seeing a judge. The worst politicians of the globe, apart Hitler, Stalin or Mao came from USA and now the world pays for their crimes.


4. Capitol

The idiots in the Parliament of both Chambers are crooks, corrupt human shit, they accept any crime if done in their interest and they always handled in the sense of "America (USA) first". What these swines have done in the rest of our globe cannot be given in literature, because it would let explode any book. A lot of facts and crimes was written about the Germans and Russians or English in the world, but so far the greatest criminals ever, the US Americans, were never described in media and literature, until this day - by this text.


5. FED and AIPAC

Fed is like WEF and IMF and Worldbank a disaster out of AIPAC. The leading Jews made all presidents of USA and other. Without the consent of the Jews of AIPAC, no politician ever became president of USA and after had to handle according the bloody principles of the Deep State. Fed like ECB and other central banks have by MMT given out trillions of worthless Dollars and such created the greatest bankruptcy of States, nations and banks and of the masses of the 99 percent in all times since Adam and Eve.


6. Silicon Valley

The digital world of the Jews of this cripple Valley, led to the complete world of "1984" or "New brave World", where all folks are supervised and have no chance, to live under normal terms, whereas the rich Class can do and destroy the whole planet for some richness and tax-free areas. And all our children have become wholly stupid and paranoid. Students learn nothing but Jewish greed in the sense of neoliberal shit of Popper, Pinker, Milton Friedman and Chicago School. In fact, the whole world of humans has got nuts for all times and is dying now very fast.


7. Migration

"Build that Wall!" is some exaggeration of Trump. But in fact the situation is such, that the south of America and Mexico will try to come to USA, as long as the fairy tale that this corrupt State is still "rich", will be believed. The same thing happens with Europe for the Jews, the stinky Islamists, the Niggers out of Africa. They were the victims of colonisation, of wars driven in their countries by USA, Israel and Europe and had no other choice as to run the way in direction of Europe. But believe me, such politics and developments will kill USA and Europe even faster, as without migration - Idiots.


8. Wars and Torture

We know all about the First and Second World War and the wars of Napoleon, Cesar, Chinese Emperors and take it. But we know nothing about the crimes of USA since 1945 (and before with natives and niggers) about the war against Russia, Vietnam, help to torturers in Argentina, Chile and 50 other States and how they destroy the Palestinians and Syrians and Iraqis and else. There is no literature to show, that the greatest criminals since 1945 were USA and Israel who committed any torture act you can imagine, without any media having spread the facts all around our globe.


9. Israel and other Junk States

There are junk states like Israel, Saudi Arabia, USA, Switzerland, former England, Germany under Hitler, Russia under Stalin, China in all times, India under Modi, Japan under Tenno and Abe, Philippines under Duterte, Brazil under Bolsonaro and take it. Such nations are the major reason, why the whole world now goes down to break into pieces in 200 nations, without recall and help from God, Allah or any other fine invented god, who is responsible for the deathly explosion of idiots to soon 10 billion of fools, going to die soon.


10. General destruction of Climate, Nature and Animals

We believe that with 100 congresses of foolish scientists, measuring only the catastrophe to come, we could escape the death of all humans and nature and animals, of oceans and lands and soil and water, in the 21st Century. This is nuts and the major convicts are China, USA, Japan, Europe and other Skunks. To believe that anything of our planet could be saved, is so much of idiocy that I must vomit just now.


And the whole rest of the other 200 nations:

What was written here about USA is valid for ALL nations in the world.

According to my "10 Commandments of Death", there is no chance that humanity will see the year 2099 alive.

Each of the points will kill not only humans, but the planet and its nature at the same time - and there is zero hope that any actions could prevent such program of self-destruction - idiots.


René Delavy - Côte d'Azur

written on December 1, 2020