DOW JONES - Trump, Obama and Biden are Idiots
Markus Diem Meier, Chief of Finance
of SPIEGEL, cannot hide his admiration for some Dow Jones index, having broken
the limit of 30'000 points.
This idiot like all western correspondents has a brain out of bullshit.
US Dow Jones is FAKE for the
following reasons:
1. The stock exchanges are pure Taj
Mahal Casino of the worst. The values are not to be compared to the real value
- as calculated by accounting geniuses like me of any conglomerate - and the
shareholder values are by the factor of 10 over the real value of the equity of
all such companies.
2. The Silicon Valley shit pushing
the total over-value pure bluff: All such companies like Amazon, Apple, Uber, Microsoft,
Facebook and other must be shattered, because they destroy millions of little
commerce worldwide.
3. By Trillions of Dollars and
Euros, the stock values were increased for no reasons at all, by MMT of zero
value money, when the States and banks tumble down to hell in a worldwide CRASH
of the Jewish Finance Industry of WEF - very soon.
There are 100 other reasons, why
Trump is the most stupid Chief of rotten States of all times, below even to
Hitler, driving non-valeurs to highest shareholder values and being the
greatest tax fraud asshole of the world.
Obama is the worst Nigger idiot
ever, having given trillions to Jews of Wall Street instead of saving the poor
white class in the Trump States.
Biden is some crazy bluffer, not
hiding that USA has come to an end of this awful nation and dying Empire of
shit, having killed 10 million of innocent folks in 50 nations since 1945.
Biden is just the same arsehole as
Kissinger, JFK, Pinochet, Videla, Milton Friedman, Greenspan, Nixon, Reagan,
Bush, Obama, Trump, Hitler and other cripples of power to be eliminated from history
and life. For those criminal crooks, it must be made clear in all books of the globe -
and if at life, be killed like Natan Juhu and some other Junk, killing our
society since 50 years.
USA must be brushed from the MAP
for all times and the Dow Jones is in fact not higher as about 10'000 points in
fact - out of the Trump Fakes increased by bluffs of FOX TV, Wash Post and New
York Times of blind mice.
René Delavy - Côte d'Azur
written on November 26, 2020