Finance Industry - 2022 is 10 times worse as 2008

Jewish Bank Industry - 
2022 is 10 times worse

All idiotic media pretend that the situation with banks too big to fail, namely in the USA, was much worse in 2008 as it would be in 2022.

The contrary is true. The Catastrophe of 2022 is 10 times higher as per 2008.

See the following facts:

1. The debts of nations USA, Europe, Japan etc. exploded since 2008, same goes for credits for mortgages and for conglomerates. In addition, China went on the level of Japan and USA in debts and is broke in fact and dead. The communist idiots around Xi Ping have no idea about the true crimes they committed since 2008.

2. The criminal idiot as US President, Donald Duck, will smash China and Russia and Iran and EU and some other Skunk lands in misery, what will accelerate the breakdown of USA, after having given away all industry to China and dying on export deficits, they can never more correct.

3. The Shit in Banks with derivatives and State certificates are not covered and in fact count nearly zero. The Shareholder value at stock exchanges surpasses the real inner value of most of big companies by the factor of 10. Typical for this state of affairs is TESLA with huge billions of debts and a gigantic worthless shareholder value - this company is dead since some time like Swissair and Enron before.

4. The situation with infrastructure in USA, Italy, Japan, India and even China and 100 other States is in fact shattered and all bridges, tunnels, highways and other just broke and there is no cash for correction and no sea sand for Beton. But for killing folks and masses by armies, China, Russia and USA have trillions of Dollars to throw in the river, just before those dirty nations of Jews go down the drain in very short time ahead.

5. The crazy situation with the climate collapse and weather catastrophes has increased in danger from 2008 to 2022 by a factor of 5. More idiots than ever go on mass tourism and destroy all cities and oceans and lands. There is no way back, the future is lost and the mass of the 99 percent will go to hell.

Finally the Jews, WEF idiots and bankers and politicians will be caught by masses and massacred without pity when it becomes clear, what those SKUNKS have done since 1975 to this date, according to my books and editors letters.

No God or Allah or Jesus to help.

On the contrary, those idiots will clap hands and be very glad that Israel is thrown in the Mediterranean Sea and all Jews and other skunks murdered for their crimes. All is a question of time, since masses of middle class and poor were enfeebled in mind by Silicon Valley and now, you can earn the process of stupid dreamers out of California, having crept in the ass of Donald and Hillary.

Go to hell and do it fast...

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on August 18, 2019

Picture: My swimming pool

JUNK - please note:

Alle Immobilien sind im Besitz von kreditgebenden und eigentlich maroden Banken. Diese Banken werden besessen im Wesentlichen von Juden und Oligarchen und Versicherungen. Alle Portefeuilles auch in Derivativen und Anlagefonds sind wertlos. Der kriminelle Donald Trump ist verschuldet und pleite über beide Ohren. In Wahrheit kracht nächstens dieses Kartenhaus in globaler Weise in sich zusammen und dann stirbt die Weltwirtschaft und die Finanzindustrie mit Amazon und den Juden im WEF und Silicon Valley auf ewige Zeiten.