Wonderful World of Media

Not one Newspaper of the World has Relevance

Is it relevant if I write about Relevance of Newspapers?

When you will have read this text, you will know why this question is the only one, having still some sort of relevance at all - in our present lost times of existence and seeing a complete CHAOS on our Globe.

But - where to start?

The first thing is, if there is any sense in giving MEDIA of the world a chance, of looking into  their own MIRROR. Does it make sense to set a mirror in the world and hope that the Guys of NYT, Guardian, Le Monde, Stampa, FAZ, NZZ or FOX TV or CNN or BBC or Al Jaazera or any other Media would look into it and realize what is going on?

What else? There is no sense in being at life and accepting the incredible low level of thinking in all Media - in fact in all what happens around the year 2000, when there is a possibility for History Books, to get the points right for all times to come.

And now let's start the analysis.

Things of very low interest and relevance:

1. Writing all the times and in millions of articles about WHO would become next U.S. President or what ever charge you get does not make any sense. The whole theatre about the Republicans or Obama - forget it. The real shit around Monti and Berlusconi. The question about Gauck and Wulff. The election around Medvedev and Putin in Russia. Whatever happens, in view of the lower arguments, nothing changes in our world, but people fill in their brains with matters of zero Relevance and never learn about the important ones.

2. Reporting on TV, Radio or Newspapers around the development in Iran, Syria, France, Australia, some other land in Africa etc. are of interest, sure, but they explain absolutely nothing about the real State of Affairs in those lands and in the World. Just one example: Get rid of the Dictator in Syria, what follows is some sort of idiotic mass democracy under Sharia, the whole land falls in pieces and all folks are quicker in misery than with the dictator before - exactly what happened in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya - and also in the USA, in France or Switzerland.

3. Eternal events about cultural or religious matters are of zero relevance, not even interesting for the experts and for those irrelevant idiots who have nothing else in their brains - but culture. They become blind for the real development on our globe - no, it's worse - they lose like the other 99 percent a complete control on REALITY and become to 100 percent blind in view of important FACTS.

4. What destination for holidays? Which are the best hotels? Who is master or champion in SPORTS? What about all the junk around the METEO and how the weather shall be in your land tomorrow? - all is irrelevant in view of the relevant FACTS. And so 99 percent of World POPS fill in their brains with the Shit of Internet, TV, Radio, Newspapers and become dull and duller each new day. Never existed a society lower in intellect - as today - never before.

5. What sense is there about Education under the Scheme of Bologna or whatever you take? --When education means to get the highest criminals in Banking, Politics, Technology and destroying our Planet, it is not even relevant at all, if a person learns languages, mathematics or being some sort of idiotic editor or journalist - and learn dear brainless woman or gay - there is not ONE Media man or woman, not being completely blind and NUTS these days.

Now, the proof for this assertion lies in the fact, that not one person of importance can see the TRUTH of these lines. And I like to write this text, because the result will be that this HUMANITY tumbles to HELL whatever I do, without being aware of the Origins and Effects standing behind that true State in Reality.

The only matter of highest relevance

The only matter of highest relevance would be to understand the following:

Why is it so that Wall Street Crash and immense indebtedness of nations became possible? What Blindness of Media and Science has led to this situation where:

- all nations go down to hell in finances now? USA and Europe and Japan etc. are in fact bankrupt, there are no countermeasures and whatever shall do the Skunks of politics and media, will be in vain. China and India implode from POPS explosion, exports becoming impossible, water and nourishment getting out. Africa is no continent anymore to survive. The democratic Systems being Dictatorships of dull Majorities, each land of the world is bound to go to hell in matters of ECOLOGIC COLLAPSE, droughts and waterfloods to come, missing resources, priceless energy, water gone out in all grounds. And all waiting for the next Pandemics to come---

The whole world has become one big mess of humans without any brains, but all are wondering what Skunks gets some sort of "Power" and importance over nothing:

- Obama or Palin or Romney, Putin or a communist, which one of the Cretins in China can be preparing the downfall of 1500 millions of people, Narkozy or emmerdeuse Le Pen bluffing a nation, which debile idiot gets Swiss Council to continue with international Tax Fraud for the richest sacks, who gets the risk in India or South America to continue the craze of implosion of systems, what idiot in Australia sells under neo-liberalism all treasures in hands of Chinese Shit milliard idiots, is Berlusconi or Monti finalizing the bankruptcy of Italy or Greece or Spain or England - or someone else?

And these questions can be asked for any nation of the Globe - all of them are now in Free Fall in

- Finances, Economics, Resources, missing water, mass-problems with explosion of pops, riots, climate and weather-collapse, stupidity in culture and science, the mass-laws destroying our planet from now on to 2099 in total, the euphoria about any irrelevant book written by any idiot not being able to piss on his own shoes….

The result of writing any SHIT that passes your mind

I am absolutely sure - to 100 percent - that not ONE person out of Media or else, understands just one of the sentences written above. And this - again - will accelerate the complete Breakdown of all human systems and the ride to hell of humanity just now. In some 20 years we say here: "Wird der Mist geführt sein….".

I pay one million Dollars to any person who can only give just one solution or advice, how to mend just one percent of the deadly global situation I describe in my books since 30 years - first in the hope to stop the craze, then to give a chance to humanity and today for laughing about those, who are born in vain with nothing but Shit-in-Brains, but doing as if they had gold in their heads, and for sure something important and relevant to write in their Newspapers.

Forget it - your children are already as dead as death can be. You have lost all your chances - and therefore, please - continue writing about irrelevant Obama or North Korea or Wall Street shit or about the lost future of China, Japan, Spain, England or Nigeria.

If pissing at a wall or writing articles for newspapers - the final result is exactly the same.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 28, 2012