For the History Books

For the History Books - in Free Fall

It has to be done. It would be a disaster if I forget the History. It is so amazing that from day to day, I forget more WHAT is going to happen in my present times.

No, there is no amazement about the complete Downfall of the world at present in matters of Finance, Economy, Culture and Ecology. There is much amazement about the history in MY LIFE - exactly about these facts.

Yes, in fact I should not be able to close my mouth from the total amazement that I write the true literature today - by knowing that all has become true what I wrote so far. And therefore, this history has to be written NOW.

But let's go back on former Steps of Life and try to understand:

When I wrote around 1975 to 1980 my "ORAKEL 1995" (later 2099) - of course - I was thinking about the possibility that the world could tumble - one fine day in future - into a Free Fall of Self-destruction and this is what I wrote, and let print, and distributed the shit on the Bundesplatz in Berne and gave it to all parliament members passing by to their Meeting in the Bundeshaus. My daughter as child helped to distribute and police arrested us….-  The same thing (ORAKEL) was sent to Media and VIPs in Germany and Switzerland.

The result was what I did not foresee: The MPs threw that booklet into the next basket and the VIPs wrote that I should not send such scrap to normal folks with intellect. Worst were the Media - their hatred was not to be overpassed.

And indeed - around those times, I was absolutely sure that my texts would only be some sort of early-warning papers - and in my lifetime, never these described developments would become true. And therefore it is crazy that - TODAY - I forget each new day, that I was never wrong with my predictions.

When out of professional education at the age of 40, I started to write books about the coming Free Fall of humanity - in the first place of Stock Exchanges, Crash of Communism and Capitalism, and still I was sure about the general intelligence of Elite and Folks, not to let it happen - the Free Fall to Hell.

And it was always the same idiotic Game: WHEN it happened, during writing my books like "10 Maxims" / "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" / CHAOS / PLADESNIEKANT / John Demaster etc. - all manuscripts being refused by 100 Editing companies in Germany and Switzerland from 1990 to 2003 - I still had a silent understanding with those skunks, they would know what they are doing:

"It's all tentative - Communism in misery, but Capitalism still goes on and on and on and there might be the case when I die one day, and nothing of the contents of my books will have happened."

Then came my Letters with World News and some other facts and still I thought: "Write what you believe is right - but the chance is high to be wrong."

Then came 2005 and I wrote several letters in 2006 about the coming disaster in Finances, still believing all would be fine, just some ugly dream of mine.

Today, I write texts of truth without thinking anymore, in fact still repeating what I wrote around 1975 to 2000 - and still humanity and in fact myself do not  get what happens in reality and true time - today.

- Whatever I have written in the past, I have not to change one single line. All became true or is on the way to start finally the facts - of humans to drop in Free Fall.

There is no speculation anymore about what happens - and it is so funny to know:

The whole World-Theatre is in Free Fall:

- First USA and Europe and banks go financially in bankruptcy, then follows the implosion of BRIC States, then becomes obvious the cultural gap between meant intellect of Elite and Masses to ignored reality and as a very final point comes first the Economic Crash in 200 nations of the Globe - and all accompanied by an accelerating Collapse of Climate and Weather Machine and other disasters….

What I wrote in the early books "Thoughts in Torino" and "Lines striving to Heaven" became true, apparently achieving the Casino Game - long before my Death, saying:

"In my statistics of the year 1975, one line in horizontal scheme of time and vertical scheme of global disasters could become true: From 1800 the line from 10000 years before Christ, always very low, shall get up fast and around the year 2000, the line goes into its Vertical. - And this scheme meant in other words:

- About times starting around the year 2000, TIME STANDS STILL and the self-destruction of Humanity starts to go in Free Fall and the End of the Species is there and strives to heaven.

And still it is a wonder because normally in history, such things never can happen - to say:

A man foresees facts so terrible, he himself does not really believe in reality - but when reality comes and shows to be true, the facts are so NORMAL that the Man forgets what he was writing in the past about his predictions - and simply continues to write about the Origins and the Effects of present times - he risks to become such dull like his media and Elite of skunks with Shit in their Brains.

The most funny thing today is my highest Life Quality, accompanied by the given World-Theatre - when seeing the whole  world going over in FREE FALL - and not one person, not one State, not one Organisation, not one Dynamite Shit has the assumed intellect to understand ---

- WHAT is happening, WHY it is happening, HOW it is happening and THE WAY - all shall end.

I know - I wrote - and I think - that a life like mine can never be repeated - and finally I should get it - I should get it - our reality - when today happens and goes in history, exactly to 100 percent, what I predicted in literature when still young.

Well - THIS was a MUST to be written for the human History books, yes, exactly THIS.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 17, 2012