War Driver USA since 1945

Civil victims of WAR - The tricks of USA, Israel and other Powers

We have to learn the nature of war, killing civilized and innocent people and the RACE for armament between USA and Soviet-Union.

Let's first see the RACE of War-preparation between USA and Soviet-Union:

There are some statistics about the history of armament in the 20th Century:

- Atom Bomb   ---   USA had it 1945 - Soviets only 1949

- Hydrogen Bomb  ----  USA  1953 - Soviets only 1954

- Long Distance Bomber Planes  ---   USA 1953 - Soviets only 1957

- Missiles for middle distances  ---  USA 1953 - Soviets only 1959

- Tactical nuclear weapons  ---   USA 1955 - Soviets only 1956

- Intercontinental missiles ---   USA 1955 - Soviets only 1957

- Atom-driven submarines  ---   USA 1956 - Soviets only 1962

- Artificial satellites  ---  USA 1958 - Soviets were first here: Sputnik 1957

- Missiles from Submarines under water  ---   USA 1959 - Soviets only 1968

- Missiles with multi-heads  ---  USA 1964 - Soviets only 1972

- Same - but heads individually programmed  ---  USA 1970 - Soviets 1975

- Neutron Bomb  ---  USA 1981 - Soviets only 1986 and China 1988

Very funny, isn't it? So the eternal "War-Gurgles", the bad, bad communists, were running behind the USA for 50 years in armament. And we still guess that the machinery for propaganda was much better with the Russians than with USA. The whole western World has been taken for fools by U.S. Media and Government plus Congress  - and still today all history books lie about long chains of origins and effects, with regard to USA, Soviet-Union and Israel.

And what about the real War-Scenery - out of atomic weapons?

USA could have gone to Vietnam, surrounded some big cities in the North, arrested 100'000 civilians and tortured to death or otherwise killed afterwards. But such a procedure is impossible. So the U.S. Army sent napalm and other bombs over cities, towns, villages and killed in total nearly 3 million folks in Vietnam and Cambodia.

Same procedure as with Iraq, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and some others.

Israel could have surrounded GAZA and taken out some 1000 civilians and killed them atrociously, in fire, phosphor or some other nice means. They decided otherwise. Pretending to kill Hamas Generals, about 10 of them, they may by accident have killed with bombs, open fire, clear misuse of situations, the rest of civilians, some over 1000 innocents.

Russians did same in Chechnya, French in Algeria, English in all colonies, Germans in WW II in all European Countries, Japan in China and other Asian nations.

It's very practical - War justifies any cruelty, any holocaust.

If a nation wants to kill or torture other folks, all they have to do is: Declare an official war.

But there is no problem at all. We have afterwards some nice Human rights councils and tribunals, for Milosevic, Karadzic, Nixon, Bush, Blair, and some nice guys of Rwanda, Ivory Coast, Congo, South Africa - in fact all countries, except for Swiss, in view of their gigantic Tax evasion crimes.

It's the same trick like the one with NGOs:

In order to discharge nations from ethical behaviourism, we have WWF, WEF, FED, Greenpeace, attac, Amnesty International, Women for better rights, Bread for Children, Non-abortion for Explosion of Folks to 10 billion - and afterwards, all governments, congresses, UNO, Obama, Brown, Merkel and Sarkozy wonder - how it could happen that we have economic, ecologic, cultural collapses.

And so, they ignore State and Civil wars - discharged in advance by Human rights tribunals that would anyway be paid by those Tax-Payers, who finance the Parallel-World of tax-free Skunks, the richest one per mille of Holdings and VIP.

I think, we should give the Dynamite Prize for all those geniuses, who found out about War-mechanics to cheat the whole world about REAL JUSTICE, ETHICS AND MISUSE OF POWER.

Still some questions? Go to Sharon and Bush and ask. They know best. And Obama does the job of nice Excuses in Egypt. Time-sharing of the best.

Rene Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of some reports and books - as to be studied on www.rene-delavy.com