USA - Each American owes ONE million

Each US-American owes to the World one Million Dollars or: Gigantesque towers of U.S. debts make tumble World-Economy

This is the Principle for ALL Nations:
Debts 10 times higher as official!!

This letter has been published by WN on May 18, 2006 (repeat 5/18/2006). Not one press or online media have reacted on this publication!

And now we can see the results of Dullness of the Kitchen Cabinet of Bush - Cheney - Greenspan - Paulson of FED, of SEC, of UNO - and other blinded idiots, understanding ZERO of international functions in Finance Systems.

Given the situation today in Autumn of the year 2008, we have to consider the following facts in addition:

This letter here includes world-wide debts of Americans, not only USA. Then consider: All statistics of USA, not only on debts, are all incomplete and false. The debts with 50 States and towns and counties should include provisions for future charges in infrastructure and other charges to come, not yet known. Old Age Losses after break down of World Economy alone come near to total figure mentioned below. Further: The losses on real estate must be considered at about 2010, when the spiral will have come to the ground with prizes for items to be sold, apartments, houses for privates and real estate for companies and governmental organisations. Chapter 11 is to be reviewed, when climax has been reached in tumbling down of U.S. owned companies.

This is the letter published on May 18, 2006:

In my first editors letter (criminal acts in politics) I pretended that each American owes to the World one Million Dollars. How come? How can one of the best experts in economy pretend such a stupidity? Come on my friends - and count and try to know why bank systems, whole states, stock exchanges, old age funds will soon tumble in the emptiness of space….

Figures are in American TRILLIONS - (equal to the German word "Billionen" - Dollar 1'000'000'000'000 or 1000 x 1 Milliarde (= English Billion)

STEP ONE    -   around 20 Trillion Dollars

-  Indebtedness of the State USA:

After the area of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush with their idiotic idea of releasing some of the richest people from taxes - to the disadvantage of middle-class, this nation has a dept-tower of approx. 20 Trillion (or 20 Billionen in German language). But consider also, like for a firm, the hidden debts on neglected infrastructure, awful state of affairs for environment, hidden poverty and its future capital needs. Covered is this open and hidden indebtedness by some gold reserves and some other State fortune, however never covering in fact these debts.

STEP TWO    -   around 20 Trillion Dollars

-  Indebtedness of the 50 States, like Florida, California, Texas etc.:

I have to take a guess. Like for other points it is impossible for a simple man to find out all figures. But the guess must be right, that the cumulative figure of debts of the 50 States reach the figure of the above national indebtedness. Experts in the USA may re-control the matter and find out that my assumption is too low…

STEP THREE  -    around 20 Trillion Dollars

-  Indebtedness of all Towns, Counties and other State organisations of the USA:

Here I see myself confronted with more complexity: Let's assume that the hundreds of Towns, Counties and other State affairs sum up in a debt that will reach in total the one of the USA as a Nation (see point ONE above).

STEP FOUR   -   around 10 Trillion Dollars

-   Indebtedness in Health care and Old age funds:

Daily you can read of huge under-covers in pension funds of states and firms in the Health and Old-age business. You can read of immense debts with insurances, hospitals, homes, pharmaceutics and all other societies or persons involved in that business. I assume that we would reach here a level of 50 % of total State debts.

STEP FIVE  -   around 50 Trillion Dollars

-   Indebtedness in Companies under Chapter 11 and other debts of quasi-broken firms:

For car producers and airline companies alone, we heard of billions of Dollars being kept behind under Chapter 11 before 2008. In 2009 to 2012 we see added all banks, insurance, Hedge and Investment Funds, followed by the middle and little companies throughout the country and debts under bankruptcy laws, we may well find 50 trillion of debts which are not covered by assets of those entities.

STEP SIX   -   about 5 Trillion Dollars

-   Debts in credit-card accounts of individuals:

Starting at the age of 16, young Americans are quasi forced by capitalistic beliefs into indebtedness by criminal banks and credit card-institutions.  Assume that each American - willing to consume - has an average-debt of Dollar 30000 - we summarize with 150 million consumers an amount of nearly 5000 billion or 5 trillion.

STEP SEVEN   -   about 8 Trillion Dollars

-  Debts under Leasing-Business:

US-Americans purchase almost everything by Leasing. Assume that 150 million consumers have invested in its average about Dollar 50000 in leased goods we add roughly 7500 billion or rounded 8 trillion.

STEP EIGHT   -   rounded 90 Trillion Dollars

-  Debts in House-market, only covered by a so called "valuation-bubble":

Here comes the big thing: Although I did not know about the sub-prime history - and still today am dead sure that the big collapse of finance market will come from Hedge Funds and overstated Shares and Bonds, I assumed years ago that the value of all houses and buildings for the whole USA could be 300 trillion (other assumption take wrong basics). Assuming that later in time (Harr, after the sup-prime crises), a bubble of 30 % of total value of houses will show up. And thus, we have here an uncovered debt of 90 trillion. However, like in Tokyo, some years ago when that town was valued higher than the total lands of California, the U.S. grounds themselves will also go down to hell like in Detroit, during the long process of the final down-fall of a nation and his financing systems. So, 90 trillion are rather a conservative assumption - 120 trillions may easily result at last.

STEP NINE   -   around 30 Trillion Dollars

-  Any other indebtedness:

Bank credit accounts, outstands with stock exchange, monthly costs, all open invoices, social charges not paid yet, all kind of debts, not mentioned above already.

INDEBTEDNESS OF THE USA    -      totalling about 250 Trillion of Dollars

Conclusions and remarks in view of real judgement in relation of the above figures:

In the USA live around 250 millions of Americans and they have according to this rudimentary account total debts, not covered by assets, of roughly 250 trillion Dollars.

Now we count and can see ONE MILLION DOLLARS DEBTS for each head in the USA (same goes for China, England, Germany, Italy, Japan etc.)

Can these debts not be covered in any way, we are facing a collapse never seen before in history in this world. It will make tumble to hell all banks, insurance and re-insurance companies, all Stock exchanges, not only the ones in the USA but throughout the World.

Other States may have higher figures of debts per head of its population. But nowhere on Earth, impact of the national disaster would be so deadly, as if the USA would fall in bankruptcy - from now on until about the year 2025.

Such simple is my theory but also such simple is our reality. You only need to think, need to add and count and you will end up somewhere by the figures mentioned. And then, all wisdom with regards to Rene Delavy texts will - all at once - be quieted by itself….

Rene Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "Chaos" and "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" and some 200 Editors Letters in English, proving that I was not incorrect with presumptions in Economics, Ecology, GW Bush and Murdoch