Tumbling USA - Musk - Acemoglu


USA is the tumbling China


There seem to be two Empires – a US and a Chinese one.

China is now tumbling to hell – slowly first, but how should China recover with 20 trillion Dollars in uncovered debts and a market in recession and going down endlessly?

Mass Murder - USA

Mass-Murder by USA 


There is no nation – killing more folks as USA: 

Not Hitler, not Stalin, not Mao and not the Roman Empire or Nol Pot. 

USA killed directly or indirectly some hundreds of millions of folks in over 100 countries. Also explained by Noam Chomsky.

Pro-Americanism - Trump meets Harris

Dialoge Trump versus Harris 


Harris: Hi – Donald – You are not my best friend – but as American girl and Pro-Semit I love you anyway – great! 

Trump: I love Netanyahu like God and myself. Having our heads in the asshole of Natan and Jews and Selensky – we may have some same interests.


René Delavy


This is the State of Humanity after the year 2000

A proof about the future World-Collapse in the 21st Century

considering Every day's World - Systems - the Unknown

US Crime - Anti-Putin


Pro-Netanyahu Haters 


Who has his head in the asshole of the AMIS, must be some greatest greenhorn ever and have a brain full of shit.

10 Commandments of DEATH

10 Commandments of DEATH -
How folks die in the 21st Century

By 2099 all humans will be dead.

Pandemics may be one reason, but there are 10 other catastrophes coming on us, each of them will kill billions of folks and there are no means to prevent such death of humanity and most of nature and animals of our planet Earth.

Read the 10 Commandments of Death and be prepared to disappear from this universe!

Intellect - 8 Steps of Thoughts

Understanding intellect

or: 8 Steps of intellectual facts on Earth

8 Steps to heaven or 8 Steps to hell? The definition of intellect can go very queer ways, but most of studies about intellect are not worth starting the game.

This is a translation out of the German Book "CHAOS", published in the year 2004, Chapter  "Erkenntnis über das Seiende" (Understanding existence), article "Die Stufen des Denkens" (The Steps of intellectual perception). It shows, viewed from a philosophical standpoint of the author, how the Power of Thinking or of Perception could work in these modern times, in a real world, when the Chaos in human Existence has not yet reached its final stage.

HARRIS as US Presidentess

Prediction HARRIS 


We know that TRUMP as Dictator will kill USA in joint venture with Jewish Israel and Selensky and there will result wars with Iran and Russia and even China.

All Books of René Delavy


Publikationen von René Delavy

Ab Januar 2022 alle im Markt!

Die Idee meiner Literatur war es, die Welt aufzuklären über die Denkfehler bezüglich des Fortganges einer Selbstvernichtung der Menschheit im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Es sollte erwirkt werden, dass die Regierungen und Konzerne noch eine Chance bekommen, die explodierende Bevölkerung  unter Kontrolle zu bringen - bevor es zu spät ist und uns alles um die Ohren fliegt.

Incompetence of the BIG 4

BIG 4 - (or BIG 6)
are criminal human APES and have their brains full of Shit

-Without any value in Auditing, Accounting, Tax consulting and whatever... - All Crook-Partners of the BIG 6 of Accounting and Tax Fraud must be put at the Wall.

As the best accountant of the globe, I am in a position to name the idiocy of the "BIG 4" - to say:

PricewaterhouseCoopers - KPMG - Ernst and Young - Deloitte-Touche (PwC - EY - Deloitte - KPMG)

extended by the 2 other crooks:     - Accenture  (ex dead Arthur Andersen)
                                                       and  -  McKinsey  (ex dead Donald Trump and Murdoch)
                                                       and  -  Bain and Boston Consulting of Jews....

Debate Harris - Trump

Presidential Debate – 

Trump – Harris


Both did not declare, why USA killed 100 million folks worldwide since 1945 and why they have millions of black folks in jail for nothing and how they want stop the breakdown of USA in economics and as gangster nation in favour of Israel against all other nations. 

Murderer and Terrorist USA

Murder State USA 
- some fine Terrorist


Noam Chomsky pretends in his book “Terrorism by the Western world” that some 100 millions of folks were murdered by USA, NATO, UNO, EU. 

In detailed statistics, he shows what happened in Killing “The West” from 1945 to 2020.

Putin made Trump

Putin made Trump great again 


Nobody knows that Trump became President because of the Help by PUTIN. 

Let’s see the FACTS: 

Trump never possessed a Dime. All "wealth"  of Trump was financed by banks and Putin who is owner of some 5 trillions of dollars.

China crashing

China short before the CRASH   

Deep China 


How gets China down the drain until 2035? 

It’s easy – China and India are dead as dead ca be. 

Let’s see how it runs what I pretend since 2006: 

Charge against Switzerland - 5000 billion Euro

5 trillion Euro Tax Charge against Switzerland 

Some time ago, I sent tax charges to 15 High Courts for the criminal tax laws in Switzerland. 

Strasbourg sent the whole package back, pretending the forms would not be maintained. From other courts or IRS - I never heard anything.


  Armageddon - oder die Massaker-Staaten der Welt (Massacre Nations to starve)

Only develish economics of conglomerates and Rich Class of Finance (DEEP STATE) - then parties and politics without any influence in rotten liberal Democrazy - but in addition some deathly climate collapse - and never understood anything. We are DEAD!

Nur noch teuflische Ökonomien der Konzerne (Tiefer Staat) - Parteien und Politik ohne jede Bedeutung -  Ein tödlicher Klima-Kollaps - und nie etwas begriffen

3 billion to perish

3 billion dead until 2050


Well, you may ignore this – but you may be dead soon. 

We have no water anymore under the ground and droughts will do the rest.

Israel going Fishing

Israel in the Middle Sea


Just know that IRAN has atom bombs and atom missiles since some time. 

Russia helped to develop and now Iran can attack Israel.

Harris or Trump?

HARRIS a Criminal 


It goes without saying that TRUMP is the greatest criminal of USA. He never possessed a Dime and did and does all to make rich folks more criminal and to bring the poor folks into misery - and watch out: under Trump you will get the Atom war.

Silicon Valley - DEAD

Silicon Valley – destroyed soon 


In 10 years, States, community, banks etc. can no longer be financed - such as: 

- Health care – rents – interests – wars – infrastructure – social help – Ukraine – Israel – space research – and take what you want.

US Armageddon

US and Jewish Armageddon 


Well, the Jews of Israel and the Evangelicans of Trump and Harris want the total war of Zionists against the rest of the world. 

They will get it. 

All Arab and Islamist lands will destroy Israel for all times.

Too late -- to save Humanity


All 400 Letters - still on WORLDNEWS wn


The World will be "done" by the year 2025


WorldNews.com,Wed 10 Jan 2007


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Article by WorldNews.com Guest Writer René Delavy. 

Mortal EXPLOSION of World POPS

MEGA-Towns of our dead World - Mortal Explosion of population

(Report published in WorldNews wn)

Story of the WOLF

Remember the stupid story of the child shouting in the woods: "Dear Wolf, come and eat me." 9 times no Wolf came and all folks said, this wolf will never come. Came the 10th shouting and the child got eaten including her bones.

Le Holocaust de Giles

Le criminel Giles Keppel – Holocausts 


Qu’il est beau, ce Monsieur, et à quel point, il ne sait rien. 

J’ai son livre dans la main et je vais l’enterrer pour de bon.

Alain Delon morte

La Proportionnalité d’Alain Delon


Alain Delon est morte (sic) et tout le monde est en train de pleurer. 

Et ces survivants essaient de prendre autant du fric de lui qu’ils peuvent parce que seulement sa fortune encore est de l’importance. 

Murder Exchange USA - PUTIN

Murder-Exchange with PUTIN


All West-Media made the Joke that Putin exchanged some freedom fighters of the West against some murderers of the East. 

Let’s see what a real murderer-Exchange would be:

Famous and lost - N-Words

Being Marilyn


All folks want to become famous. Any person believes to be rich or known by the whole world - would be great. 

Ask if somebody would have been born as Marilyn Monroe. Most people would say: “Would have been great.”

Principles of "Highest Accounting"

Principles and Rules of  "Highest Accounting of Delavy"

Principle of CASH:

Any nation can create trillions of cash out of the nowhere. Immediately, such money translates in worthless assets and uncovered debts, by force, when given out - not in coins or paper - but simply in computers of all banks and companies throughout our globe.

Such, the whole humanity gets broke, even before media understand what's getting on.

Learn more about this craziness:

Pleite-Banks overall - Nations too

Most Banks in the World are "PLEITE" - Nations too
(published with Worldnews wn and Pravda)

2008: Wall Street in face of Senate 

All top bankers and their lawyers were JEWS – without exception. They are responsible für the coming CRASH of all Banks to come!

If assets would get down by only 10 %, all banks worldwide will be bankrupt - note this.

PRAVDA - in Distress

and WorldNews wn

Millions could read my 400 Editors Letters

Today's world - lives in distress and suffers from chaos

URL: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/feedback/78364-world-0

RINF - Horror

RINF too has published my texts - once.... (about 40 texts like this one)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

Horror and Hypocrisy in the World Media

October 15, 2006 - daily evening-news on a German TV-station. Here the quote of the speaker: “The president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, was visiting today the building where she and her mother were tortured and, contrary to many others, survived. 260 people were tortured to death alone in this prison and “disappeared” during the regime of Pinochet. Michelle Bachelet said that she felt still very sad about what happened during those years of terror.”

WORLDNEWS wn - 400 Letters published

The World will be "done" by the year 2025

WorldNews.com,Wed 10 Jan 2007

Article by WorldNews.com Guest Writer René Delavy. 

TAX CRIMES - Crimes of OECD - IRS - EU Commission

Politics and Crimes of international TAX FRAUD (2022 still valid)

in Switzerland and Biden Delaware - etc.

Big 4 - OECD - IRS - EU Commission and Switzerland and 50 tax oasis

All 25 cantons of Switzerland have tax laws to excempt Non-Swiss companies from high taxation on a worldwide basis- same goes for non-Swiss millionaires. In additon, the Rich Class does not pay taxes worldwide on  CAPITAL GAINS - ON TRILLION DOLLARS OF PROFITS!

Perpetrator USA - and their eternal Losers

Perpetrators are Heroes - and their Victims only eternal Losers
published in WorldNews and Pravda

The rich and mighty Class must be eliminated from the face of the Earth.

They enslaved about 99 percent as victims and for their crimes never see a judge. They made all the laws, also not to pay taxes and to punsih the rest for nothing. They send all ordinary people in their wars, force to work for nothing and steal all money by the dirty JEWS of a rotten Finance industry. - The Rich and Mighty must be killed -  NOW!

Hope for USA

America is DEAD 


USA is dead, the Empire going to tumble –  pulling down the rest into misery. 

It does not matter if Trump or Harris will be president, watch how a nation crashes slowly down to earth:

Harris lets look Trump very old

How Trump gets old by Bidens retreat 


Finally, the Putin hating Biden realized how he could never win against Trump and that in his State of health, he would collapse during the next four years.

USA - Criminal acts in Politics

Criminal Acts In Politics

WorldNews.com,Sun 5 Mar 2006

Letters to the Editor René Delavy.

Remember Pinochet and the torturing to death of thousands of young people in Chile? 

Remember the generals of Argentine and other nations in South America, killing ten thousands of students, teachers, intellectuals and journalists? Remember: The democrat Allende and all other decent men and women could not have been killed without the consent of the Government of the USA and his secret army, the CIA. 


'WHY'- Questions reveal human Nature and Developments

published in WorldNews 


Yes, it's true - In all of literature, there was a trial to explain that the fundamental truths about existence of being, of humans, animals, plants, the planet, the sun system, the universe and of our being in God, are very simple and easy to get.

TRUMP - at Life?

Trump still at Life –

And the Consequences – False Patriotism und religious Belief


The attack on Trump failed and all crazy Amis around this criminal character Junk is sooo happy. 

The dull growing Biden gets down to paranoia and Trump prepares the complete Downfall of USA plus the rest of the globe.

Criminal US Sub-prime Court

Unfair US Supreme Court  

Like all Sub-prime Courts of all nations (Washington-Karlsruhe-Lausanne), the US Supreme Court is one big justice Bullshit of the globe - the top crook of the "Deep State".

Assange is in JAIL and Snowden in MOSCOW, because the "Deep States" of Jews have all power in the world - and not the 99 percent of masses.

Here some of the crimes noted about such subprime Judges out of Shit:

Losers - Trump and Biden

Biden-Trump – both Losers 


Amis may assume that Biden is old like hell and does no longer know what he is pretending. 

But for Trump it’s not better – that man is a skunk and a joke.

Murder USA - Ass Switzerland



In history, USA killed over 50 million folks without any reason. 

They started with a genocide of the Red Indians from the river Hudson to the Sea Pacific per millions, who possessed the grounds of America.