This is the State of Humanity after the year 2000
This is the State of Humanity after the year 2000
USA - and definition of a Just War - Chomsky
Jordan Peterson - and GOD
Jordan Petrson -- Jesus and God in Progress
My wife fell into the trap of
"Weltwoche" and ordered it. Already the first edition is full of
Here I learned that Peterson wrote the Book "God - The greatest invention of all".
DOOM - Decadence
Josef Kraus - Doom-Decadence
"Im Rausch
der Dekadenz"
First - a little German and then the English Critic:
In der Hälfte
seiner Dekadenz-Fälle, hat Kraus völlig recht. Was heute geschieht, ist mehr
als ein Weltskandal.
Das Dekadenteste was es in der Welt gibt - ist
der Mensch an sich.
Zudem: Die letzte dekadente Zivilisation wird
noch im 21. Jahrhundert total einbrechen.
Und eine menschenleere Öde hinterlassen.
Putin to launch missiles
Why Putin should launch an atom-missile
The West does not understand why Putin must
launch an atom rocket.
Thera are some arguments:
1. USA killed more folks as any other nation
- inclusive Hitler Germany.
2. USA and NATO put their missiles to the frontiers of Russia and China. Remember Cuba: USA drives a one-way war against Russia - not allowing what the other do.
10 Commandments of DEATH
Intellect - 8 Steps of Thoughts
Understanding intellect
Charge against Switzerland - 5000 billion Euro
5 trillion Euro Tax Charge against Switzerland
Some time ago, I sent tax charges to 15 High Courts for the criminal tax laws in Switzerland.
Strasbourg sent the whole package back, pretending the forms would not be maintained. From other courts or IRS - I never heard anything.
World Revolution
World Revolution
Die Kälber werden die Metzger töten
Seit 3000 Jahren gab es ganze 20 Jahre mit Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie und Anstand und Ausgleich.
Nihilism - USA dying
'Principle of HOPE' - against - 'Principle of NIHILISM' |,Sat 10 Apr 2010 |
There is no doubt in the world: In the opinion of the elites and the masses, the "Principle of Hope" lies Miles above any ideal of Nihilism. Good idea - but it may cost the life of humans and provoke a situation, where we all went blind to danger and a possible End to our Species in times to come. |
MUGA - Semitism
MAGA of Trump
and Trump have made a fine argument of America folks and they are the worst assholes
of the globe by
MAGA - Make
America great again.
This MAGA is in several directions pure bullshjt:
WORLDNEWS wn - 400 Letters published
PRAVDA - in Distress
world - lives in distress and suffers from chaos
Incompetence of the BIG 4
are criminal human APES and have their brains full of Shit
As the best accountant of the globe, I am in a position to name the idiocy of the "BIG 4" - to say:
extended by the 2 other crooks: - Accenture (ex dead Arthur Andersen)
and - McKinsey (ex dead Donald Trump and Murdoch)
Mortal EXPLOSION of World POPS
(Report published in WorldNews wn)
Remember the stupid story of the child shouting in the woods: "Dear Wolf, come and eat me." 9 times no Wolf came and all folks said, this wolf will never come. Came the 10th shouting and the child got eaten including her bones.
Perpetrator USA - and their eternal Losers
All Books of René Delavy
RINF - Horror
RINF too has published my texts - once.... (about 40 texts like this one)
Tuesday, October 24th, 2006
Horror and Hypocrisy in the World Media
October 15, 2006 - daily evening-news on a German TV-station. Here the quote of the speaker: “The president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, was visiting today the building where she and her mother were tortured and, contrary to many others, survived. 260 people were tortured to death alone in this prison and “disappeared” during the regime of Pinochet. Michelle Bachelet said that she felt still very sad about what happened during those years of terror.”
Only develish economics of conglomerates and Rich Class of Finance (DEEP STATE) - then parties and politics without any influence in rotten liberal Democrazy - but in addition some deathly climate collapse - and never understood anything. We are DEAD!
Nur noch teuflische Ökonomien der Konzerne (Tiefer Staat) - Parteien und Politik ohne jede Bedeutung - Ein tödlicher Klima-Kollaps - und nie etwas begriffen
USA - Criminal acts in Politics
Criminal Acts In Politics
Remember Pinochet and the torturing to
death of thousands of young people in Chile? Remember the generals of Argentine and other nations in South America, killing ten thousands of students, teachers, intellectuals and journalists? Remember: The democrat Allende and all other decent men and women could not have been killed without the consent of the Government of the USA and his secret army, the CIA. |
Musk bankrupt
Trump and Musk are bankrupt
Well, why Trump must be bankrupt - not paying any dime for taxes since 20 years, the reasons are down below.
Elon Musk with his fantasies about Mars and Tesla got bankrupt too.
Trump meets Musk
Crazy America - Trump and Musk
The whole world doesn't get, what is going to happen
in USA - on the way down under….
Let's see what it is in fact:
Dismissing thousands and lower billions of Dollars? Forget it: Musk may dismiss the "Deep State", but notice that CHAOS will follow. He cannot prevent trillions of Dollars spread for nothing - the damage of such politics will bring USA eternal misery and damage.
World Accounting Rules
All Balance Sheets, shares, State bonds, derivatives are over-valued by factor 10 to 1000 - the world has gone mad in values!
Continuation of LIFE
What is the Sense of Continuation of Live?
The Sense of Philosophy was always "Nihilism"
Pleite-Banks overall - Nations too
(published with Worldnews wn and Pravda)
2008: Wall Street in face of Senate
top bankers and their lawyers were JEWS – without exception. They are
responsible für the coming CRASH of all Banks to come!
Whole World Down
The whole World goes Down
Trump can do anything to stop the downfall of USA?
he tries, will accelerate the CRASH of the US Empire to come.
Same goes for China, India, Japan, EU, Germany, England, France, Brazil etc.
Future of USA under Trump
Criminal Trump - USA are DEAD
Lucky USA? Lucky Trump? Let's see what the crash of
USA looks like under him.
And the most criminal and Evangelican man of USA -
Trump - will do it.
Harris as female would not have been better - females at might increase dangers und stupidity of folks even more as Trump.
Misery US Towns
Future of Towns and Lands
USA is an example what is going to
happen worldwide.
In towns as seen to be full of Democrats of a Woke Soup and getting all advantages - for queers and fat folks.
WHY - Questions
Yes, it's true - In all of literature, there was a trial to explain that the fundamental truths about existence of being, of humans, animals, plants, the planet, the sun system, the universe and of our being in God, are very simple and easy to get.
Debility - Silicon Valley
Putin - and the Western Disaster
Putin’s Error of Thought
Putin believed to take over Ukraine within two weeks and then be able to dictate Europe the rules – what a terrible error of thought!
Nobel Prize - Synonym for CHAOS
Apocalypse and Death
word is so often used in my literature of the last years that it’s time to
explain what it may be:
We will have an Apocalypse in the years from now to 2099.
Criminal US Sub-prime Court
Unfair US Supreme Court
Like all Sub-prime Courts
of all nations (Washington-Karlsruhe-Lausanne), the US Supreme Court is one big justice Bullshit of the globe -
the top crook of the "Deep State".
Assange is in JAIL and Snowden in MOSCOW, because the "Deep States" of Jews have all power in the world - and not the 99 percent of masses.
Here some of the crimes noted about such subprime Judges out of Shit:
Tumbling USA - Musk - Acemoglu
USA is the tumbling China
There seem to be two Empires – a US and
a Chinese one.
China is now tumbling to hell – slowly first, but how should China recover with 20 trillion Dollars in uncovered debts and a market in recession and going down endlessly?
Mass Murder - USA
Mass-Murder by USA
There is no nation – killing more folks
as USA:
Not Hitler, not Stalin, not Mao and not
the Roman Empire or Nol Pot.
USA killed directly or indirectly some hundreds of millions of folks in over 100 countries. Also explained by Noam Chomsky.
Pro-Americanism - Trump meets Harris
Harris: Hi – Donald – You are not my
best friend – but as American girl and Pro-Semit I love you anyway – great!
Trump: I love Netanyahu like God and myself. Having our heads in the asshole of Natan and Jews and Selensky – we may have some same interests.
Principles of "Highest Accounting"
All SYSTEMS erased for all Times
All SYSTEMS - philosophies - principles - science - books ERASED for all Times:
Vergesst alle Theorien und Bücher der Vergangenheit
US Crime - Anti-Putin
Pro-Netanyahu Haters
Who has his head in the asshole of the AMIS, must be some greatest greenhorn ever and have a brain full of shit.
HARRIS as US Presidentess
Prediction HARRIS
We know that TRUMP as Dictator will kill USA in joint venture with Jewish Israel and Selensky and there will result wars with Iran and Russia and even China.
Debate Harris - Trump
Presidential Debate –
Trump – Harris
Both did not declare, why USA killed 100
million folks worldwide since 1945 and why they have millions of black folks in
jail for nothing and how they want stop the breakdown of USA in economics and
as gangster nation in favour of Israel against all other nations.
Murderer and Terrorist USA
Murder State USA
Noam Chomsky pretends in his book “Terrorism
by the Western world” that some 100 millions of folks were murdered by USA,
In detailed statistics, he shows what happened in Killing “The West” from 1945 to 2020.
Putin made Trump
Putin made Trump great again
Nobody knows that Trump became President because of the Help by PUTIN.
Let’s see the FACTS:
Trump never possessed a Dime. All "wealth" of Trump was financed by banks and Putin who is owner of some 5 trillions of dollars.